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five years later

Here I am with my husband whose the prez of the club alongside the others as we watch Abel graduate from kindergarten. 

"Alright Abel Teller what do you wanna me when you grow up?" the principle asked

he stood there and looked out towards me and Jax. I blow him a kiss which makes him smile.

"I wanna be just like my dad, a hero" Abel says

as everyone claps as he gets his little certificate, I hear a slight sniffle which makes me wrap my arms around Jax and kiss his cheek as I rub his back.

"he thinks I'm a hero" Jax says

"well you save us so you are a hero, and you help protect this town just like a hero" I tell him

He looks at me and smiled before wiping his eyes then leaned down and swooped Abel up in his arms after he came running to him.

I smiled as I watched the two

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I smiled as I watched the two.

" I am so proud of you bub" Jax tells him

"I love you daddy" Abel tells him

"love you two" Jax says


After the little graduation was done we all headed to Gem's where we had a peaceful dinner celebration in Abel's honor.

"Look at that little lad you graduated Kindergarden and will soon graduate highschool" Chibs tells Abel as he carries him to the table.

"No more naps in class" Abel says

some of the guys as well as girls laughed at that.

"yea know more naps in class bub." Jax tells him

I walked off to help Gem carry all the food that she had ordered a head from the kitchen into the dining room where everyone was talking to ABel about first grade and the time the recall going from kindergarten to first.


Now standing here looking at mine and Jax's little family I couldn't be any happier with how my life turned out. I mean yea there was bullshit and threats to deal with as well as kidnapping and other things. but none of it ever made me wanna leave this family to give up on Jax. 

it made me fight harder and to be there for them no matter what.

"come on love let's head off to bed while they sleep. maybe add another Teller or two to the clan" Jax says

I turn to face him seeing him smiling his famous teller smile.

"what's brought on the panty dropping smile?"

"I'm wanting you in our bed naked so I can show you how much I love and appreciate all you've done for me," he says

I raked my teeth over my bottom lip which caused his smile to broaden.

"yeah, your thinking of all the things we're gonna do huh?"

"Maybe" I say before I lean close and kiss him before resting my forehead against his and closed my eyes.

"thank you for everything you've done for us. and then some" I whispered

"I couldn't had done have of it without you by my side."

I pulled back and looked at him.

"You're an amazing man that JT would be very proud of not to mention honored that you're his son. you've done like he wished to dom and you're being a perfect family man."

He takes my hand and leads me to our room.

"I feel like he would be proud of me."

"I know I am."

From that moment forth I knew that I had a good man who was not only a devoted father and husband but a loving one. one that I am positive his dad is beyond proud of.


A/N: the End... 

Some of you may not like it ... but those who do thank you.

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