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A few weeks had gone by since that sexist pig incident occurred. he never tried to sue us and I didn't press any charges since Jax dealt with him.

Now me and Donna are being carefree while at the clubhouse. While a party was in full swing.while our kids are with their Babysitters.

"Come Dance with me like we do on girls' night out?" I asked Donna

"Oh come on, we were not married and with kids then," she says

"Come live a little with me, besides it will make our men crazy," I tell her as I pulled her to the middle of the floor as one of the croweaters playing Timber. Donna shook her head laughing as we walked to the middle of the floor.

Donna and I started to dance to the song having fun. Some of the croweaters came over and started dancing.

We swayed our hips and got lost in the music. We knew how far to go when it came to this and how sexual to move. 

I grabbed Donna's hand and twirled her around as she and I started dancing together.

 Hearing the guys whistle and cheer while we laughed and twirled each other before we went back to dancing as we were before.

As the song close to its end I twirl Donna right into Opie's arms.

She laughed and wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him.

I whistled and cheered for them before I was twirled around and kissed by Jax. which made the others Donna and Opie include to do as I had to them.

I smiled as I brushed my hands along Jax's beard as I pulled back.

"Where did you ever learn to dance like that?" Jax asked

"It's a secret that I can't give away," I replied

"I enjoyed it," some of the guys said

"yea they weren't being slutty or trashy," Tigs said

"We know how far to go when it comes to dancing to that sound," Donna says

"just doing it to have fun and maybe get our boys reaction" I counter

"Well, you got them," Jax says as he tosses me over his shoulder and carries me away with Opie and Donna following not too far behind.

I laughed and slapped Jax's ass before we disappeared into his dorm.

He dropped me on his bed before he shut and locked the door.

I propped myself up and nibbled on my lip and he gave me a show.

I pushed myself up fully and stripped before tossing my clothes away and laid back as Jax crawled over me.

"You dancing like that really turned me on so I will repay the favor," he says

I hummed in reply as I brought him down to me using his necklace.

"do your worse" I murmur against his lips.

He smirked against my lips before he moved down a bit and started trailing kisses all along my body. I laid there with my eyes closed just basking in the feeling of his mouth on my body.

I jerked and moaned when he latched on to my clit and started suckling on her.

I pushed my hand down and propped myself up halfway as I moaned and whined in pleasure.

I lay back down and opened my eyes looking down noticing his already looking up at me with his bedroom eyes.

I reached down and fisted his head and pulled a little making him growl which sent vibrations through me causing my back to arch.

"I need you now Jackson" I whispered

He pulled back and kissed the top of my mound.

"Where do you need me?" he asked

"deep inside me, driving me crazy" I murmured

"I don't have protection," he says

"Right now I don't care, I just need you" I replied

He moved up my body and slipped right inside.

I gripped his shoulders and moaned.

"Fuck baby how is it that you're still also tight?" 

I knew it was a rhetorical question that wasn't intended for a reply so I said nothing and just wrapped my legs around him as he made love to me.

I'm here for you (not edited) (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now