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"Keep talking to her like that and I'll slice your tongue out of your mouth as I proceed to teach you manners when it comes to women" Happy threatened the guy who was being a sexiest pig who wouldn't keep his grubby hands off me.

"What are you bonking her?" the guy questioned

"What we do isn't your business" Happy replied back

I kept driving wanting to be back at the clubhouse and be done with this assface.

the guy wouldn't shut up so Happy opened the door and flung the fucker out and tossed him his shit before we drove off with his car.

I pulled in the lot and turned the truck around before and back it up and hopped out.

"What happened?" Gem asked as she the one working in the garage walked out as I let the car down.

"Some asshole don't know when to keep his hands off Alayan. kept touching her when she told him to stop and was being an asshole with her. I told him to stop or I'd slice his tongue out. he kept running his mouth asking if we was screwing and I told him what her and I do isn't his business. he kept up with his bullshit so I tossed him out a while the truck was moving." Happy tells them as he unhooks the car while I messes with straighing the bed.

"Are you ok baby?" Jax asked

"Yea, just be on the look out for him. he will try something with me and Gem when he gets here" I replied

"We aren't working on this fuckers car and risk you and her getting hurt" Clay says

"So where do you suggest we put it cause here he comes now?" I asked

They look up and see the assface brushing hisself off. as he curses Happy for doing what he did.

"You girls go be with Able we'll handle this fucker" Clay says

Gemma took me into the office and shut the door.

I sighed and before rubbing my face.

I could hear the guys going off on the guy and him demanding them fix his car.

"if you don't get that piece of shit outta here we'll do more damage then what's wrong with it now" Jax warned

"You can't turn me away" the guy tried

"If you harrass our workers then you bet your ass we can" Clay tells him

"I didn't harrass anyone. if anything this asshole tossed me out of the truck when his piece of ass was being hard up" the guy said

the next sound heard was a loud crack before you hear shuffling of feet and chibs

"Easy Jackie boy" he says

So I assumed Jax was beating the guys ass

"I'm gonna sue you for this" the guy warned

"Go ahead and we will have sexual charges brought up on you so damn fast your head will spin" Clay tells the guy

Nothing is said for a bit only the sounds of chains then someone driving the truck.

"Hey fucker that's my car" the guy yelled in a distance

"Alright girls come out" Clay calls out

I stand up follow Gem out, I walked up to Jax and kissed him.

 "Thank you for defending my honor" I tell him

"I wasn't about to let any piece of shit talk about you in such way" he tells me

I smiled and kissed him again.

"you two head on home your shifts are up," Clay says

We nodded our heads and headed towards the office to get Abel.

"Thank you for what you did in the truck Happy" I called over my shoulder as I picked up Abel and his diaper bag.

We got home got everything situated. Jax took Abel up this nursey while I rummaged around downstairs. I faintly heard the water running as I was straightening up everything as I was debating about ordering take out or cooking.

When things went quiet I headed upstairs where I saw Abel laying in bed with Jax. Abel was in nothing but a diaper and Jax shirtless.

I smiled as I snapped a picture before grabbed some clothes and went to shower before I joined my boys in bed laying on the other side of Abel.

I decided after the type of day I had that a nap would do me good.

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