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Life with a newborn baby was something to get used to. the late night wake up the crying, the bottle feeding, and just tending to him. is something I'll never complain about. 

I am the one that wakes with Abel when he cries. yes Jax wakes up too but I assure him that I have Able before walking off to the nursery.

like last night after we made endless love and curled up in each other's arms. we drifted off to sleep till Abel started crying.

I got up and slipped on Jax's shirt.

"I got him," I say when I see Jax steering.

 I walked out of our room and went into Abel's room.

"What's wrong with mommy's little Warrior huh? I asked as I lifted him up gently and checked his diaper before laying him on the changing table and started to hum and make face which he got a kick out of as I quickly changed him and picked him up.

"it's time for the precious Abel's feeding time? " I asked him

he just looked at me and made a cute baby noise.

"I'm on it" I tell him as I head out the nursery and into the kitchen where I grab the already made bottle and warmed it up then checked the temperature on my wrist before I headed back to his nursery and sat in the rocker feeding him.

"the mighty little warrior who is loved by so much. had fought a huge battle that you came out as a victor. from that point forth he will always be his daddy's and mommy's little warrior." I tell Abel

He slowly starts to drift off to sleep so I carefully remove the bottle and lightly pat his back getting a soft burp before I get up and lay him in his crib and cover him up.

"Sweet dreams my mighty warrior" I whispered before I walked out the door and head back to bed.

"When Ever you wanna have babies just tell me. cause watching you with him is amazing and I could only imagine you doing the same with a baby of our own" Jax whispered as he wrapped me up in his arms.

"Let's allow Abel to get at least a year old before I pop any babies out," I tell him

"Fair enough," he says then kissed me before laying his head back down.

I smiled as I laid there watching Abel sleep and listened to Jax's soft breathing. it wasn't long before I drifted off to sleep.

The next day I woke went and took a shower before getting dressed while Jax tended to Abel as I made breakfast then warmed up Abel's bottle.

"Alright mommy here is our little warrior all dressed and ready to go," Jax says

I looked over and smiled before I walked up to him and kissed both of my boys on their cheek.

"Go shower and get ready. I got him and breakfast is just about finished" I tell him

He handed me Abel then gave me a quick kiss before disappearing upstairs.

Once we were all fed and ready to go. I loaded able up in my car while Jax got on his Harley and off to work we went.

Upon arrival, Gem comes out to get Able and carries him inside where we had a little bassinet by the desk where Gemma would watch him till Jax or I was done with work.

"Alright mommy dearest you and Happy got towing, " Gem says

I took the clipboard and called for Happy before giving Able a quick kiss then Jax.

When going on tows people can be real sexist and some are disgusting pigs. they don't care who is there with you. they will be vulgar and disrespectful. hell, half the time they try to get handsy till you put them in their place. there's been plenty of times when I'm on the tow I'd kick the fucker outta the truck and make them walk or call a cab.

they tried to get me fired but with my tow partner as a witness to what they were doing, they were told to fuck off and only come back to the garage when the car is fixed.

"Shall we take a tally of who will be sexist and who will try to be handsy?" I asked Happy

He looks at me before shrugging.

So I do just that so while we wait we'd have something to occupy ourselves.

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