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He smiles and does like he did at his uncle's and granddad's graves. he walked right up to Jax.

I could see the pride in Jax's eyes as he scooped his son up and carried him off to brag to the guys that Abel's walking and talking.

"What's this I hear of Able talking and walking?" Gem asked

I show her the video of Abel placing flowers on Thomas's grave and JT's.

"He did that with no help from you?" she questioned

"Yep," I replied with a proud smile

"he's just like Jax every day. does something surprise you or catch you off guard" Gem says

"He made Jax's day by saying Dada," I tell her

"I bet."

Jax walks back in and points to me.

"Whose's that?" he asked pointing to me

"mum" Abel says

"Yeah, baby I'm Mum" I assured him as I walked over and kiss his little cheeks.

"What did you call her a few minutes ago?" Jax asked

"momma," Abel says

"that's right my little warrior I am," I say as I kiss his temple

"Just wait he'll say granma or nan," Gemma tells us

"bet it will make your day," I say

"of course."

After we spent some time with Jax and Gem we headed home while Jax finished up working.


Few days after Abel took his first steps and said his first words Jax and I got him a toy that helps him walk more. which he gets a kick out of cause it makes a noise as he moves it. 

"Can't believe how big he is getting. it feels like just yesterday he came into this world." Jax says as we lay in bed with Abel napping between us.

"Now he's nearing a year old, and we've got a baby on the way" I replied

Jax looks over at me and smiles.

"I couldn't have done this with out you. and as sappy as this may sound its all true. with you back in my life I feel like I can finally breath and know that my life is going the way I wanted it to and not ass backwards like I thought it would" Jax says

I smiled and leaked carefully over Abel's head and kissed Jax softly before I laid back down.

"You did some big changes for my life as well Jax. I mean when my mom took me away from you I held resentment. I mean she took m whole world away when I left you. I had everything I could ever dream of in my sexy biker that rides Harleys. granted we were younger back then but I knew you'd be in this club so that how I pictured you. and now here I am with you and our son with a little one on the way and I really couldn't be happier. you and I are back where we belong and that's with each other. and there isn't a damn person that will fuck that up." I tell him

Nothing more was said after that. we just laid there enjoying our time together and watching our son sleep.

"This world is crazy, but there isn't an other person I'd ever want to experience what I do with you with any other human" Jax assures me

" I feel the same way. I mean we've got history and no one can take that." I replied

He hummed in agreement.

"Things will happen between us weather its fighting or something but we will over come it and together we'll come out on top of our issues or problems" I tell him

"no matter what" he added

I nodded my head before I looked back down at Abel and just smiled.

"you and Him are my light, and our little bean is as well."

"hey now don't get all sentimental on me" Jax teases

"Oh don't ruin a good moment" I shot back

he laughed a bit.

"I'm just teasing you darling."

"yea picking on me."

I started to fake pout which made Jax awe at me before he reach over and started brushing his thumb along me cheek.

"I'm sorry for picking on you.'

I smiled widely

"you're forgiven."

He looked at me in shock before shaking his head and smiled.

"well played."

"I thought so too."

"All jokes and matters aside Alayna. I really do love you more than life its self."

"Now whose getting sentimental."

He chuckled

"me and when it comes to you I don't care to be emotional."

I smiled

"I love you just the same Jax."

I reach over and took his hand in mine. 


"And always."

I'm here for you (not edited) (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now