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So much has happened since I rushed Wendy to the hospital. 

I've been on my toes but wont ever regret it. 

I mean I've worked,slept,ate, visited Able stayed with him and talked with him before reapting it over and over again.

things with me and Jax have become great. and we've talked about so much. We went and eloped not carrying about what anyone would say then we signed the legal birth certificate stating I'm Able's mother after Wendy signed her rights over before she passed from doing mysteriously.

"Been keeping and eye out on our Warrior momma?"

I looked up seeing Jax and smiled

"course"i replied then kissed Jax before I stood up and let him take a seat before I sat on his lap and curled on his lap.

"Well look who's all cozy" Gem says

"Hey mom" Jax greeted

"Hello newly weds" she replied

"You mad?" I asked

"Upset but don't worry Im planning a wedding for you guys" she says

"I don't wanna have it till this warrior is let go. I want him there to be part of the huge day" I tell her

"plenty of time to plan" she says

I nodded as I laid my head on Jax's shoulder and watched little Able's chest rise and fall as he breathed.

I looked up and locked eyes with Tara before she walked in and checked on Able.

"So how are things looking with this perfect Warrior?" I questioned

"his fitals are looking good, there's nothing that i'd be worried about. just let him keep fighting to perfect health" she says

"its all we can do" Jax says

she half smiled before walking out.

"She is so pissed" I say

"Why. cause she walked out and someone who I truly love came back and lifted me up and has been with me. reguardless of it being a month?" Jax asks

I nodded my head

"ANd we are married" I replied

"well it's what we both wanted so it's tough luck" he says

"well since you two are here I'm gonna head out. you both take care .  I'll see you tomorrow or later" Gem says giving me and Jax a kiss on our cheek then walked off with us telling her to be careful.

"I'd never do anything to hurt you. with you is what I've always wanted. I know you never wanted to leave but your mother forced you after your father passed. and I know she wasn't to fawn of you hanging around me and my family. I cant begin to tell you just how happy I've become. I mean I thought what Tara and I had in highschool was something but it was a cover up of my love for you. yea I went back to being myself somewhat when I started seeing her but it was never enough. it fully hit home when she just gave up on us stating charming was not for her and she needed a better life that being an old lad wasn't for her. So glad she never got my crow. that's for you only" Jax says

I looked at him and tucked some of his hair behind his ear.

"I trust you jax. I know that we both suffered when I left and I understand the whole filling the void. I mean I tried but it never felt right. I couldn't feel anything for any guy I dated other than friendship. there was nothing romantic, nothing sexual, nothing passionate. it was blad and boring" I tell him

He smiles

"My heart from day one of seeing you belonged and still belongs to you and only you. the day I get your crow. I will proudly wear it with honor cause it means I'm yours. I will do all I can to take care of you. of course I'll take care of our son that's obvious. I will fight any and all croweaters, exs and sweetbutts or women in general who dare try to take you from me. if you cheat which I don't think you will. I'll make you suffer and that Jaxie is a solom promise" I say

He cupped my face and pulls me down to him and kisses me.

When visiting hours are over Jax and I head out but not before telling our warrior that we will be back tomorrow. I blew him a kiss before following Jax out the door.

I'm here for you (not edited) (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now