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Being on maternity leave from work gives me a lot of free time. Free time that I use to spend with Abel.

Since he's a year old we've been learning new things cause you're never too young to learn.

"Alright little Warrior come on, lets go get daddy and the others some lunch" I say to Abel whose sitting before me playing with his toys.

"Otay mommy" he says

Once I had the house locked up and Abel in his car seat I climb into the driver seat.

As we make our way to the diner that I had placed the order in ahead of time Abel and I are jamming out to some eities music.

"hit me with your best shot.. come on and hit me with your best shot.... Hit me with your best shot... fire away" I sing.

Abel is in the back giggling as I am sarintating him.

After picking up everyone's lunch I take and head over to the garage and park.

"Half sac and Happy come over to greet us.

"Hey ya'll I brought lunch" I greeted as I get Abel out then handed half sac some bags before handing some over to happy before I took the rest and we followed Abel over to the club,

"Take a break and come eat" I called out

the guys pop their heads out and grin when they see us then they all followed us to the picnic tables

"I was just about to go on the lunch run," Gem says as she came over and grabbed the food from me

"I saved you a trip. besides Abel and I wanted to come an see how everyone is doing" I tell her

I placed the drinks down along with Gemma as Happy and Half sack placed the food down.

"alright I got Gem a dr, Jax a rootbeer,opie has a dr, piney, happy, and tig have the cherry colas, half sac and chucky you two have sprite, chibs you got a dr, bobby has a rootbeer, kozik you've got a dr as well " I say as I hand out all the drinks. to the guys that was there working and not on a run.

"now for the food" I reach in and started handing out the food I got for everyone before I placed mine beside Abel.

"thank you for lunch" they all took turns saying.

"it was not problem" I assured them

I opened up my container and peeled open the ranch before I sat it in front of able and handed him a chicken nugget while I had a chicken strip

Once everyone had their food and drinks I sat down and started to eat.

"so who was doing repos?" I asked

"half sac and chucky" Opie says

"ain't that the best job?" 

they both shook their heads which made me laugh.

"try being a female and guys thinking you want them even when you shut them down by showing your ring."

"that dude was a jack ass" Tig says

"he didn't kno' how to talk properly to a lass" chib added

" it was still funny watching happy toss him out" I commented

"We seen that on the trucks camera and it was funny" Opie says

after we joked around a bit and I made sure Abel was doing ok we continued eating.

"Hey little warrior tell daddy and the others what you was learning today" 

He looked up at me before looking at Jax and the others.

"I was learning about aeroplanes" he says

"no way." Opie exclaims

"Yea, that and um.." he gets bumfuzzled

"motorcycles," I tell him

"Yea motorcycle" 

"well that's the best one yet," tig says

"yea," Abel says as he continues his little conversation with the guys.

"you ready for her?" Gem asked

"I am. I mean having Abel around thought me that boys aren't hard to raise. yes, theirs tricks to learn. like when it comes to diaper changing." I start

that caused her to laugh.

"but they arent as bad as some people claim them to be. heck girls will be the same. both have been and will be a great experience to learn and be a part of" I finished

"thought of any names for the wee lass?" chibs questions

"We are debebate" Jax answers

"Betwenn what?" Opie asked

"well I like the name Amethyst Nevaeh Teller, & Belle Onyx Teller" I tell them

"and my picks are Ember grace Teller & Aurora Phoenix Teller" Jax tells them

"Belle Onyx?" Piney asked

"yea, its different" I says

"it sounds weird" tig says

"Oh really, it's no weirder than naming a kid after a deer."

"Fawn?" he asked

"it's a baby deer" I replied

"Ok I see your point" he replied

"which two names out of the four do you both like most?" Gem asked

"Amethyst & Aurora" I replied

"so instead of naming her Nevaeh why not name her Amethyst phoenix Teller. that way both names you two like is her name," Bobby says

"that's a great idea, Bobby," Jax says

"then its settled her name is Amethyst Phoenix Teller" I say

"Yea" Jax replies

After talking about little Teller's name we all finished up eating and they went back to work except Jax and Gemma they helped clean up the trash.

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