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(read A/N please)

Jax decided to sell his place and move in with me, since his held so many memories of his past he wanted to let go. 

We movies all the things that he wanted to keep in my place and got it situated then set up a brand new nursery for Able since we didnt know if Wendy was hiding drugs anywhere in the nursery that she had set up.

We had all things that Able would need and more stocked up and waiting for him to come.

We was on the count down to have him out of the Toaster. kn

I had just showered after working long hours at Teller-Marrow. Now I'm heading to the hospital with the great news of Able getting out of the toaster today.

I headed up to where he was and stopped in my tracks seeing Tara sitting in Jax's lap.

I walked into the room.

"You have less then a second to get your scconny ass of my husband or I'll drag" I tell her

she jumps off him and shuffles out of the room.

"What the fuck was that?" I question him

"she needed comfort nothing else" he tries

"Don't play me for a fool Jackson. I know what I seen and that wasn't comfort" I say

"he old boss has been stalking her and she needed my help so I went and helped her" he says

"Did you fuck her?" I asked

"What no. god no.I went with Happy and we handled it" he says

"So if I call Happy he'll back you up? or how bout I go and corner Tara and beat it outta her?" I asked

"I didn't fuck her" he says

I rubbed my temple .

"I know she's trying to weasle her way in your life after fucking you over. and I know we all have weak points. and she'd uses yours against you" I say

"My weak points?" he asked

"your not worried about anything but our son and focused on him hoping he gets stronger, so she pounced on that knowing that. and knowing you said you'd protect her" I say

"I only helped with one thing. nothing else" he says

He stands up as I look at him watching him walk up to me.

"She's nothing to me but a passed gf. your my everything. I swear on my father's and brother's grave I never screwed her when I went with Happy to help her." he says as he wrapped his arms around me.

"I'm telling you this now. she doesn't get out of this town and keeps trying to get back with you I'm gonna cause serious damage" I warned

"And as my old lady you should" he says

I laid my head against his chest as he held me.

"ALright its a great day today. little Abel is getting out of the inucbator" the doctor says he comes in

Jax and I stand out of the way watching as the doctor does what he needs.

"Will we be allowed to hold him from now on?" I question

"Of course without a doubt" he replies

I looked up at Jax and smile before turning back as the doctor moves the top.

"Mom or dad wanna pick him up?"

I stepped back

"get him Jax" I say

With a bright smile jax walks over and carefully picks Abel up and holds him close to his body.

I take a few pictures.

"Please follow me we will get him situated in Nicu" doc says before walking out

We trail behind him and I see Tara so I wrap my arms around my husband and smirk.

she watches me the whole way to the nicu.

"Since he's in here will we deal with new doctors?" I asked

"Yes this part is different then where he was so Dr.Knowles will no longer be his doctor" doc says

I was happy about that.

"THank you so much doctor" I say

he does all he needs to before leaving us to enjoy our time with Abel.

"my gosh he's so perfect. and your carbon copy" I complement as I brush my finger softly along abel's cheek.

Jax looks up at me and smiles.

"Wanna hold him?" he asks

"I'd love to when your done" I say

He stands and moves aside.

"Sit" he says

So I do just that and watch as Jax places Abel in my arms.

"He's come so far and I am so honored to be a part of his journey and cant wait to keep being a part of his life" I say

"your his mother so it will only be right that your there for him" Jax says

We say nothing just enjoy our moment of holding Abel in our arms. being a full family with nothing separating us from holding or touch each other.


A/N: as you probably noticed things arent like the show. just some similarities.& that's how I wanted it to be. Yes there will be parts where its like the show but wont have the same outcome.

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