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It wasn't long after Jax was made aware of her being here and her sitting down did he make his presents known.

"Tara. what are you doing here?" he asked as he stepped into the office

"I missed you and wanted to come see how you was doing?" she says

"You missed me and wanted to see how I was doing after you saw me in the hospital after tending to my son and my wife threatening you?" he asked

" I thought that was just a cover up" she states

"Yea cause our marriage is just utter bullshit. and we have nothing better to do then make that shit up" I remark

"wow, your his wife?" she asked

"for a doctor you sure are dumb. either that or you can't remember shit" I replied

"I remember you but you've changed" she stated

I shook my head as things moved from the office to outside.

"why are you here honestly?" Jax questioned

At this point the others was near hearing range and was listening in. some was "working" in the garage while others was just leaning against the wall.

"I told you already" she stated

"look either cut the shit and tell your actually reason or leave" Jax tells her

She sighed and huffed.

"Alright fine. I'm having issues with ex of mine and I need your help again" she says

I shook my head and rolled my eyes.

At that moment Gemma drove up and walked over glaring at Tara.

"Go talk with Hale or Unser," Jax tells her

"you promised you'd always help me if I ever needed you, and its not like you didn't help with my old boss" she says as she starts tearing up.

"Did he also claim you as he old lady?" I asked

"No he never claimed me as such but he made promises," she says

"right and promises with you are meant to be broken," Gem says stepping in.

"Why are you in our business?" 

"Well he's my son and her husband so we have the right to be in your business with him" Gemm replied

"she doesn't have his crow. I do" Tara says 

"Oh she's gonna die"

I didn't know who said that but they are probably right.

Gema walked up and lifted the back of Tara's shirt and seen the tattoo.

"what the fuck is this shit. your not his old lady, he told you he'd never claim you" Gem says

Tara pushes her shirt back down and steps away from gemma as she wipes her eyes.

"Are you gonna keep your promise or not?" Tara asked

"don't avoid the fucking question Tara" Gemma says getting upset

"He's mine. I made the mistake of leaving him. but now I'm back and I'm taking him back" she says

At that point I've had it with her.

 I grabbed her by the throat and pushed her back against the wall making everyone that was leaning against it move.

"Listen to me and listen to me good. his not yours. he never will be yours. when he was with you it was to fill the void of me being gone. I'm his wife and the mother of his son. your nothing but a thing of his past that will stay there. as for him helping you, it's not gonna happen. and for that tattoo if its not gone by the time I see you again. well I'm sure we'd be more than happy to remove it for you" I tell her

I pressed on her throat as I pushed off making her grab her own throat and choke.

"you can't say that" she tries

"I can and I just did. not get your fucking ass in that damn car and get the hell outta here. your not welcomed here so get lost. and get rid of my husband's crow." I tell her

she straightened up and looks at me as if she's some bad ass.

"Does he make hot passionate sex with you?"

"The type of sex we have isn't any of your business but no it's not hot and passionate. it's rough and raunchy the kind you'd never be able to handle you nosy bitch" I replied

she looked shocked for a minute then quickly covered it.

"I bet when he fucks you he's thinking of me" she tries.

"No you worthless piece of shit he isn't. cause when we are fucking he's screaming my name and praising me like a damn goddess. you're not thought of or spoken" I shot back

"he will be mine. I don't care what I have to do. even If I have to take Abel."

I didn't give her or anyone time to react. I lunged at her and I started beating her ass. I was pulled away but I pushed them off and jumped on her and started walling on her ass before Jax and Opie pulled me off.

I'm here for you (not edited) (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now