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"You ever touch my son and I'll end you" I warned

"easy baby. she's not worth it" Jax says

"she wants to fucking kidnap our son Jackson," I tell him

"She'd never get far cause I'd be on her ass quicker than she'd be able to blink"Gemma assured me

"Abel will not be taken and I will not be her's. it's you and me baby, ride or die" he says

I looked at him and nodded my head

"forever," I say

He smiled and nodded

"Phill, half sac escort this trash off the lot" Gemma ordered

while they do as they are told Jax takes me inside while others handle closing the shop for the day.

I sit on the couch and lay my head back.

"I want a prospect with Abel at all times that you and I aren't there. I don't trust her as far as I could throw her." I tell Jax

"Kozik will be there watching Abel" Jax assured me

I looked up at the dude who Jax mentioned.

"You will protect him with your life. if that bitch comes around him I don't care what you do in order to keep him safe. but you let her take him and I'll fuck your world up" I promised

"Yes ma'am," he says then leaves and heads to mine and Jax's place to start his watch over Abel.

"Need a drink?" Piney asked

"nothing with alcohol since Mr. Teller cant keep a secret. I'm sure you know why" I replied

"I cant help it I was excited and they all heard me tell Opie" Jax defended

"I'm not sharing anymore good news with you. mister blabbermouth" I joked

He pouted which made the others laugh while Happy grabbed me some sweet tea.

"Thank you Happy" I say to him

he gives simple nod before he walks over and take seat.

"that was the greatest fight I'd ever witnessed. you was kicking her ass." Half sac said

"Would have been better if they were in mud" Tigs comments

I chuckled and shook my head before taking a drink

"Only you Tigs would think me practically beating that fucker unconscious would be sexy in the mud" I replied

"it would've turned all of us hell probably some of the ladies thought they'd never agree," he says

I laughed.

"How stupid is she?" Phill asked

"Very stupid. I mean she claims Lanya doesn't have Jax's crow when it's practically covering her whole left side. then mentions kidnapping Abel" Opie says

"I want to know more of this rough sex between you and Jax," Tigs says

"what her and I do behind close doors is not to be shared," Jax says

"No fair she brought it up" Tigs tried

"no the other lass did when she tried to piss off this ass kicking lass," Chibs says

Nothing more is said as they check on me and make sure I'm ok before the walk off leaving Jax and me by ourselves.

" Are you ok?" he asked

"I'm ok, I just hope I didn't harm or effect our little bean in here" I said as I rubbed my stomach

"I don't think you did but we have a up coming doctors appointment so we'll find out then" Jax says

I nodded before laying my head on his shoulder.

"Just take it easy alright."

"I wasn't gonna do anything like that till she mentioned kidnapping Abel then everything was forgotten and I just attacked."

"I know and you had every right to do that your his mom and you were protecting him."

I sighed and closed my eyes for a bit.

"I told you that I would when we was in the hospital with him."

"And you're doing an amazing job which showed how you'll be with this little bean," he says as he places his hand on my stomach.

"let's hope we get to enjoy things with this one and not have any accidents or losses."

"we will."

after that Jax just sits back wraps his arms around me and holds me close for a bit before we decide to head home where I pick up Abel and hold him close to me.

" I'll protect you with my life" I promised him

"he knows," Jax says standing in the doorway to Abel's room

"Just reminding him."

After given Abel a kiss on his cheek I lay him in his crib and follow Jax out the room to our where we stripped down and go shower before snuggling up in bed.

I'm here for you (not edited) (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now