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It was the day before Gem's fundraiser Taste of Charming. I woke up early this morning and came to help Gemma with the whole setup. 

"So did you tell Jax?" Gem questioned

"What?" I asked slightly confused

"I saw the picture the other day laying on your dresser when I was upstairs at yours and Jax's place looking for something for Jax," she says

"Oh. well yea I told him a few days ago and he freaked after he was shocked and excited then we talked about it and now he's loving it. " I answered

"Has anyone else been told?" 

I shook my head

"Want to wait till you're in the clear huh?"

I nodded my head.

"don't worry mums the word."

I smiled in thanks as we got back to setting up.

"Bobby's gonna be doing his Elvis thing in the setup beside you with some kids?"


"then, whose's across from you?"

"the sheriff's dept. then someone with like a carnival game."

"Unser dealing with riffels?"

"Like he always does. so no one cheats."

I went back to what I was doing before we all started to finish up.

"Alright now that we are all ready let's hope a wind storm doesn't come anytime soon or this place will look like a total disaster," Gem says as she brushes her bangs out of her face.

"it's not something we need to deal with," one of the girls said.

"I'm gonna head over to the garage and pick up some hours before tomorrow," I tell Gemma

"Why don't you from now in the office." 

"wouldn't it be the same?"

She shook her head

"no straining or doing heavy lift work."

"gotcha. alright, I'll do it. and tell the guys I'm giving you a break."

"See ya when I get there."

I waved as I left the school grounds.

When I arrived I talked with Chucky letting him know that I was giving Gem a break and he'd be working with me.

"shall I show you the ropes then?"

"If you want."

So he takes that time to show and tell me how things are organized, where things go. where to put the tow clipboard and the whole scheduling for the towing, and who will work the garage.

"Seems simple enough."

"Good, then I'll let you deal with the rest of the customers and head off."

"Stay safe."

He waved me off then disappeared while I took a seat behind the desk.

"So boss lady gave you a new job after hearing about your news huh?"

I looked up and seen Opie.

"Jax blabbed huh?" I asked


I sighed

"didn't want anyone to know till I was in the clear. but guess that's shot in the ass."

Opie chuckled at that before he stopped and cleared his throat.

"Look I know the first trimester is the hardest. and I am sure Gem and Donna can help you out should you need it" Opie assured me

"I will ask their advice but I'm much rather learn all this along with Jax than bombard them with so many questions they'd tell me to get lost or shut up."

"Yea I can see that happening. but they'd have to understand and they would understand the whole ordeal of being a new mom for the first time."

"thank you for talking with me Opie. you were a great therapist for the short time."

"Any time Lanya," he says before walking out to the garage and getting to work on a car.

"Excuse me" I hear

I look over and see someone who I never thought I'd ever see any time soon. I keep things professional as I stand up.

"Can I help you?" I asked

"I'm looking for Jax," she says

"May I ask in what regard you have with him?" 

"just need to talk," she says

"alright give me one moment," I tell her then I step past her and head into the clubhouse.

"Hey Jackson your little high school love is here" I call out

"Oh shit," Happy says

"This isn't gonna be pretty," Tigs says

"Not good Jackie boy," Chibs says as he pats Jax on his shoulder.

I walked out the door and see Tara with her back to me and her shirt had risen a little showing off a crow.. but not just any crow. Jackson's crow.

I walked up to her and put on a fake smile.

"He'll be right out if you want to sit here and wait," I tell her then gesture at the seats.

I'm here for you (not edited) (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now