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It's been a month since Tara threatened to kidnap Abel.

Since then things have been very busy Abel's been learning to walk with mine and Jax's help. He's been doing a wonderful job of getting the hang of how to balance himself before he starts to move.

Since the first time very first time he stood up on his little wobbly legs to balance himself he's had the look of determination.

Today I decided to go and visit my dad, Jax's dad & brother and give them flowers. So I got Abel ready to go before I headed out with him.

"Alright little Warrior, mommy is gonna go get some flowers then we will be going somewhere special and visit some people. now you won't be able to see them, but they are watching over us" I explained to him as I pulled into a parking spot of the store and climbed out.

With Abel's help, we picked out flowers that we liked. I of course got Abel a toy since he was such a big help with the whole flowering picking. After leaving the store I drove to the grave yard and pulled up along the rows of tombstones.

I placed the flowers in Abel's diaper bag before I got him out and took hold of his hands and we made our way through the rows of final resting places before we reached my dad's.

I placed Abel on the little bench and kept a close eye on him as I set the diaper bag down and grabbed the flowers we picked for my dad.

I sat there beside Abel and introduced dad to Abel and told him all about the pregnancy and how things are going so far.

After I talked a bit with my dad I grabbed the diaper bag and helped Abel off the bench and walked with him to Thomas's grave.

"Here Abel wanna place these on your uncle's grave?" I asked him as I sat him on his feet and handed him the flowers before I started to record Abel. Hoping that he will be willing to try and walk without my help. I stood there watching as he slowly made his way all the way up to Thomas's tomb and place the flowers down.

"Yea my little warrior took his first steps with no help," I say

I handed Able his grandfather's flowers and held his hand as I kept recording him walking with me as we walked up to JT's grave.

"Alright, little warrior do, like you did with uncle Thomas's," I tell him and watched as he did just like he did at Thomas's.

"I am so proud of you my little warrior," I tell him as I stopped the recording.

I scooped up Abel and gave him kisses before I place him down and took his hand and we made our way to the car and I buckled him up before I climbed into the car and took him to Teller-Morrow.

"Ready to go surprise the others bub?" I asked as I unfastened Abel's seatbelt and placed him on the grown and took his hand.

I could tell he was trying to talk so hopefully when we are around Jax he will experience Abel's first words since he didnt experience Abel walking by himself.

"Alright, let's go show everyone," I tell him as I locked up the car and we headed up towards the garage where some of the guys were working.

I looked at Abel watching him smile when he noticed his daddy.

"Say Daddy," I tell Abel

"dada" Abel says

Jax turns and looks at Abel before me then back to Abel.

"did you... did you say dada?" Jax asked

"do it again," I encourage Abel

"Dada" Abel says

Jax rushes over to him and scoops him up and kisses his cheek making Abel giggle.

"you said dada," Jax says as he holds Abel.

"Is this his first word?" Jax asked

"Yea, and he's got another surprise for you" I answered

"What's better than him talking?" Jax

"Well I took him to my dads, JT's, and Thomas's grave and he walked up to his uncle's and grandfather's grave with no help from me," I say

Jax looked at me in shock.

"My baby boy is getting so big. and I'm so proud of you. you spoke your first word and took your first steps today" Jax praises Abel as he carried him inside the office and shut the door leading to the garage.

After putting Abel back on his feet Jax steps back a bit.

I walked up to Abel and squatted down.

"Show daddy that you can walk," I say to Abel

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