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"Let me at her. I won't harm our baby, just rearrange her face" I state

"Easy tigress," Jax says

"she left," Donna says

"I see her again they best hope someone is there to restrain me like Jax is doing. cause if she hasn't removed that crow then I'll do it for her and it won't be pretty" I warned

"down girl" Opie jokes

"Bite me" I replied 

"that's Jax's job" he shot back

"wasn't an offer Opie bear" I replied

he rolled his eyes at the nickname while Donna laughed

"you have to settle down and not show your ass or Hale will come sniffing around and start shit," Jax tells me

"I'm not showing my ass I'm doing my job as an old lady and not allowing some tramp to get away with thinking she is your old lady when she's nothing to you but a thing of your past, that you well over." I remarked before removing his arm and walking off to cool down.

I called Kozik so I could get an update on Abel.

"Hello Mrs. Teller" he greets

"Alanya is just fine. and hello Kozik" I greeted

"hope I don't get in trouble for calling you that," he says

"I gave you permission" I replied

"I'll be sure to tell them when they kick my ass," he says.

"How is Abel doing?" I asked as I took a seat up against a tree

"He's doing good the Kira says she hasn't had any problems with him and he's taking his naps with no problem," he tells me

"thank you for telling me," I say to him

"It's part of my job," he says

"Yea I know," I say

"there's been no issue of anyone coming around" he assured me

"all right well I'll talk to you when we get back home. thank you again" I say

"Welcome Alanya" he says

after we hang up up I pocketed my pone and just leaned back aginst the tree for a bit.

"Hey aunt Lanya, wanna come have a water gun fight?" 

Looked up at Kenny and Ellie and smiled before I nodded my head and stood up following them off to where the water gun fight was taken place.

the whole time I was playing with Ellie and Kenny I didn't think of Tara's fuckin ass. I was enjoying myself and having fun.

"I'm out," I say hold up my empty water gun.

"awe. go refill" Kenny says

"Yea your fun to verse," Ellie says

 so I walked over and refiled my water gun before I headed back but with a surprise.

 When Kenny and Ellie weren't looking I switched my tiny water gun for a super soaker and I nailed them both making them squeal and gasp.

"No fair yours is bigger thank ours," Kenny says

"Alls fair in war" I half quoted the saying

I walked after them as they started to run and I kept soaking them. till I felt cold water hit make back and I squeaked before turning and seeing Jax holding a super soaker.

"Yea Uncle Jax," Kenny says

"do it again," Ellie says

I looked at them in shock before I turned my focus on my husband.

"Oh your ass is grass Teller," I say turned and squinting him in the face.

"where's your Kutte?" I asked

"Moms got it along with my hoodie" he replied

"well baby let's play," I say then squirted him again.

What started off as me vs Ellie and Kenny or every man for themself turned into me vs my hubby.

he squirted my chest and smirked.

We kept going till we ran out then we loaded the guns up again. I gave mine to Kenny while he gave it to Ellie.

"I'm gonna air dry you two have fun, maybe get your parents," I tell them

"Great idea," Kenny says

Ellie just smirks as they watch Opie and Donna walk over in the line of fire and not know what is about to happen.

I step back and stand by Jax as Opie and Donna get attacked by their kids.

they turn their heads trying to avoid water to the face but it's no use since the kids went closer.

I laughed before walking off to find some sort of towel.

"Here," Gem says as she handed me a towel

I walk behind the chili set up and mess with my hair towel drying it before I dry my arms.

"that would have gone from fun to sex in a split second had this shirt been white" Jax commented as I handed him the towel so he could dry himself off.

"Good thing I didn't wear a white top or people would have been flashed since I'm not wearing a bra" I replied

He looks at me


you really can't tell?" I asked

He looks at my chest then back up at me and smirks.

"now I can," he says

I just shook my head at him.

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