| Twelve |

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"Yoongi hyung, good evening I've already cooked for you." Taehyung said showing his smile to the older.

"Oh, it looks like you feel well already, how was the uni?" Yoongi answered.

"Everything's fine, still the same" Taehyung answered almost laughing, but deep inside he was afraid of what he just discovered. He doesn't want to lose this job or else, he'll end up living to the streets again.

"Well that's good, uhm Taehyung? would you mind if you want to go to my work this saturday? We kinda have a small party and i don't have anyone to bring with." Yoongi looks nervous as he wait to Taehyung's response. He just spit out everything and act natural.

"I would love to, but how about Jeongguk, he could go with you?"

Taehyung didn't get it when Yoongi invited him to go to a party with him. Yoongi meant to be his date, but looks like the younger didn't catch that.

Yoongi wipe his mouth and take the blonde's answer as a no.

"I wanna go with you Taehyung." Courage is the only thing he needs at the moment.

"Sure I'll be there with you." Taehyung doesn't have an idea what's that for, but why not. He would love to go see Yoongi's workplace.

Finally the nervousness and fear of rejection he had was completely gone.
Yoongi just wanna jump and hug him tight but he doesn't want to scare the younger. 'Its looks like joining me for this event, wasn't a big deal for Taehyung.' Yoongi thought.

Jeongguk came out to his room, wanting to get some snacks and suddenly heard about a party, seeing a happy Yoongi and a blushing Taehyung, right at the kitchen counter, literally it was ruining his day. Seeing his brother slowly falling in love with their maid was absolutely ridiculous. Anyone can say that they both have a mutual feelings with each other just by the way they're talking, and Jeongguk was having enough of it.

He can't take it so he interrupted their sweet moment.

"Aww hyung, I wanna go too."Jeongguk acts cute which catches Taehyung attention.

"Really Jeon? when did you start attending parties? I thought you were into clubs?" Yoongi asked looking a bit hesitant. Jeongguk wouldn't come in a certain place without ruining things.

"I wanna try something new hyung, aren't you happy for me?" Jeongguk said, lips form into a line.

"Fine, fine just don't mess anything up okay?" the older answered.

"What are millenials up to this days, You're acting weirdly different Jeongguk." Yoongi took a sip of his coffee.

Jeongguk just smirked at him and made his way back to his room.


Taehyung was on his way to his room to pick up the laundrys when Jeongguk pulled him to the wall, which made the blonde shocked.

"What do you think your doing sir?" Taehyung said being uncomfortable of how close they are. His face was level on Jeongguk's chest. So he looked up, faces are like centimeters away.

"How are you feeling?" his eyes hold so much emotions.

"I'm fine don't worry too much." His cheeks flushed in deep red. He looked away and was about to proceed on what he was doing when Jeongguk said something again.

"Tell my brother that you won't go with him at the party, tell him you can't or you're busy."Jeongguk said, placing both of his hands beside the younger locking him in place.

"Why should i listen to you?" Taehyung glared at him. Their eyes talking as if they can read each others mind.

Jeongguk doesn't know but when he knew about Taehyung's condition he suddenly felt an affection and care to the younger. Its like he needed to, and he should. Everything are confusing him.

He hugged Taehyung and whispered to his ear. "Cause i cared for you Taehyung, but fine if you still insist to go, I'll come with you."

Taehyung sweared that he almost die because of how close their faces are. He then turned around but Jeongguk tried to stop him, by pulling his arm so he bumped his back on the older's chest. Jeongguk's breath hitting the back of his neck. He immediately looked away and shrugged his arms. He then proceeds on walking holding his two baskets of laundry, with some hangers. He doesn't want Jeongguk to see him blushing over a small thing. Taehyung thought that the older might make fun of him, like he always does.

This feelings he just felt right now were all useless, and that's a fact.

After what happened Taehyung went straight to his room, lying down to his bed, covering himself with a blanket. Too weak to realize what just happened. He still doesn't have the strength to wash the clothes so he placed it back on his room letting himself fall into a deep slumber.


6AM in the morning Taehyung was already up, preparing breakfast, and some packed lunch for him and Jeongguk. The other maids usually don't wake up this early because their job is only to clean the house and wash the laundry's. Yoongi went out to his room, bringing his laptop and sat on the couch.

Taehyung saw him he looks busy, maybe because he's a CEO of MIN Corp. Hoseok told him about it and Taehyung can't help but be proud.

"Taehyung its past 7:30 already, can you please go and check Jeongguk on his room if he's awake? its kinda getting late." Yoongi told him.

Taehyung as a cute fluffy tiger obeyed as fast as he can.

He knocked on the door thrice now but Jeongguk isn't opening the door so he reached for the doorknob and twist it. Once he was inside the room he was amazed it was truly aesthetic. There were two lighting speakers in the corner of the room. The color compliments black and blue, and somewhat grey. He was busy admiring the room and when he turned around he bumped to a topless Jeongguk's chest.



i luv cliffhangers🤘

here are some taekook photos to boost your energy

here are some taekook photos to boost your energy

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