| Twenty one |

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"Hey, I've been seeing a lot of feedbacks since you expand your business globally, aren't you afraid of possible outcomes?" Jaehyun casually approach Yoongi, as they head out through the building.

"Going global is becoming a more appea-ling choice for organizations looking to take their business to the next level. I thought you already know that." Yoongi isn't a fan of people who keeps on asking things, because he gets easily irritated.

"I know, but still-"

"If you wanna talk to me, set up an appointment."


The drive home was quiet, Yoongi keeps on hitting the steering wheel everytime he remembers how hectic the company is as of the moment.

He reached the house, and immediately saw the blonde on the balcony knitting some cloth.

Taehyung saw him and waved his hands, showing his boxy smile cheerfully.

Meanwhile Jeongguk was on his room, surfing the internet, looking at some hot girls pictures but he doesn't feel the same anymore an/if u get what i meanᕙ( ͡◉ ͜ ʖ ͡◉)ᕗ

He's not interested at it, and it makes him cringe. Maybe because he already had his eyes on someone.
'no jeongguk wake up, your straight shut the fck up'

Being confused of who you really are is hard. You are pretending to be the person they want you to be, but your not happy about it. You're lying to yourself just to meet their expectations. And why is that? because of being afraid of what other people would think.

"Ah hyung? I've already cooked you should eat now" Taehyung smiled, looking even more adorable in an oversized shirt and sweatpants.

"Thankyou tae really, everything is hard at work lately, it's stressing me out."Yoongi put his mouth into a straight line as he sat on the chair.

Taehyung cannot get an opportunity to ask if he wanna go with them to the night camp, since he already heard what is needed to be say.


"Yes?" Yoongi chunk down a piece of food.


"what is it?, is it something serious? your heart? does it hurt again? should i call-"

"no hyung it's not like that."

"Hyung he wanna ask, if you could go with us in the nightcamp" Jeongguk almost shouted while going downstairs.

"A night camp?, when??" Yoongi asked.


"Hyung you don't have to go, if you can't. I knew your busy" Jeongguk rolled his eyes, and looks away when he saw Taehyung's doe eyes and pouty lips looking at Yoongi.

He's too weak for that to see.

"Sure, why not?"

To say that Jeongguk was surprised he was not. He expected it to happen since his brother obviously told him about his feelings to the younger.
He's so confused if Taehyung is just acting dumb or he doesn't really have an idea. At some point Jeongguk was hurt by the thought of it. That maybe Taehyung, was starting to develop feelings to his brother and not to him..

'why is it always him?' Jeongguk thought.

The sun shines brightly, and Taehyung was making breakfast for the two. He was really excited to their night camp, since it's his first time.

How could i know?
One day, I'd wake up feeling more..
But i had already reach the shore,
guess we we're ships in the night, night, night..

He sang as he mixed the kimchi fried rice on the pan.

Jeongguk was heading to the kitchen, when he heard the soulful voice of the younger. He didn't enter not until Taehyung saw him, standing behind the wall.

"Ggukie, I know your in there."

"Maid? Are you acting bossy now? You forgot how to address me properly."

"Sorry sir, I'm just happy."

"Too childish"

Jeongguk sat in the kitchen counter quietly when he saw the message Yoongi sent him.


: I'll be home at lunch, so i could go with you.

:You really don't have too.

:But i want to, why are you so kill joy?
:Taehyung wants me there so I'm going☺️☺️☺️☺️
: i don't like where this is going
: + ur emoji sucks, get rid of that.

:As much as you want to message me
I'm sorry, im busy rn. I'll go you can never change my mind.

"He's so irritating" Jeongguk spoke out loud.


"No one"

"Hmm, okay you can eat now, I'm done cooking." Taehyung replied looking confused but still smiled.


It's 12PM when the doorbell rang, revealing Jimin, Namjoon, and Hoseok with their backpacks ready and all the equipments needed to build a tent.

"So is everyone ready?" Hoseok asked.

"Yup, but we're still waiting for Yoongi hyung" Jeongguk answered looking a bit down, which Namjoon noticed, and he definitely know the reason.

"Will he make it? We need to arrive early" Jimin asked while checking the things on his bag.

A loud carn horn was heard, signaling that Yoongi has finally arrived.

"Look guys, there he is. I guess he's already packed too" Hoseok smiled widely.

"Yes i am, shall we go now?" Yoongi asked.

"Yeah, let's get it."


i noticed something. I'm too detailed when describing a scenario, is it fine with u? or I'm being all over the place?.

and, i think this book would only reach 30 chapters or more? i still don't know, but i think it'll take longer than expected (((;ꏿ_ꏿ;)))

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