| Twenty eight |

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"Yoongi hyung, seems like your in your small cloud again. what's up?" Jeongguk reach out to his older brother, looking lost on his thoughts.

"Nothing, past few days has been hard, that's just it." Yoongi replied sipping his ice americano.

"I see, you're having the best time of your life with Taehyungie" Yoongi lowered his head, flashing a smile yet was hurting from his own question.

"He's the best thing that ever happened to me hyung." Jeongguk laughs softly.

"Does love really make you look dumb? Smiling, everytime you're doing a certain thing. Even when you're cooking, doing your school works and all?"Yoongi can't help but make fun of the youngers looks, everytime they're talking about Taehyung, Jeongguk just suddenly change into a bunny from a cold ass dickhead.


On the other hand, Taehyung was on a phone call with Jimin.

"Jiminniee, I told you I'm fine already, I don't need to go back to the hospital."
Taehyung whined, lips formed into a line as he persuade Jimin, over the phone.

"Taebaby, stop your stubbornness. It'll never get through me." Jimin sounded annoyed yet concerned with the youngers health.

"I'll pick you up there at 2pm. I already texted Yoongi hyung, he wants to go with us." Jimin ended the call, which made Taehyung a bit irritated.
'I'm fine already, hospital just makes it complicated. Lots of medications? I'm just exhausted, and tired that's just it.'
Taehyung just wants to make himself believe, that his heart condition wasn't back. It gave him a hard time when he was a little, and he doesn't want to bother anyone in his life again. First is that it cost too much, and finding a heart donor? That's way too imposible. He didn't even save enough money for that.
"I'm fine, im gonna be okay. I'm healed already. okay, calm down, inhale.. exhale." The blonde was calming himself down, from thinking too much when Yoongi entered the kitchen.

"Tae, it's almost 2pm. You still have your weekly check up, Jimin told me." Yoongi path the youngers head.

'Grr, that little guy, ' The younger thought.
'I guess i have to go then.." Taehyung replied shyly to the older.


The car ride was quiet, Taehyung was on the back seat, while Jimin was on the front seat beside Yoongi. The sound of the soft music from the radio, was the only thing that can be heard.

Gwaenchanha ja hana dul set hamyeon ijeo
Seulpeun gieok modu jiwo
Nae soneul japgo useo
Gwaenchanha ja hana dul set hamyeon ijeo
Seulpeun gieok modu jiwo
Seoro soneul japgo useo

They've reached the hospital, and Taehyung's anxiety started to explode. He was keeping himself quiet, and calm. Jimin was asking if he's feeling okay from time to time, just to make sure the younger was fine. The other thing that made his anxiety build up, was that he doesn't sight Jeongguk from the house. He wasn't with them as well, and the older didn't even texted him. Was he regretting the things that happened between them?. No way it can't be-

Taehyung was so lost on his thoughts, when the doctor told him to sit down on the chair, and relax so that they could start the check up. Jimin was with him, while Yoongi stayed outside still talking to someone over the phone. Maybe about work again.
Minutes later after he got his regular check up, from his blood pressure, oxygen level and all. The doctor started to look a bit serious, while checking the results of Taehyung's check up.

"I'm going to be honest with you Mr. Kim, No need to be afraid I'll just wanna let you know your condition would come up to, if you became irresponsible. Symptoms may progressively worsen or worsen more quickly. Shortness of breath with effort was one of the symptoms."

As Taehyung and Jimin was carefully listening, The blonde can't help but be terrified of the things he just heard. It was all accurate to what he was experiencing right at this moment.
"This could worsen to the point that 
you're short of breath, even while your not moving.
Other heart abnormalities, such as arrythmias may arise as cardiomyopathy worsens (irregular heartbeats)." The doctor continued.

"I supposed you should be feeling better now, since i told you before to always try your best to relax and calm from time to time?" The doctor fixed its glasses falling down from his nose.

As for Taehyung, who doesn't know what to say. Jimin looked at the younger and was hoping to hear a better answer.

"I do listen to your prescriptions doc, its just that everything has been hard lately?" Taehyung just made an excuse but his inner thought wants them to know that, everything is hard because of Jeongguk. He can't even calm down everytime the younger was around. How his heart would beat eratically and all.

"Well, you must tell me what do you feel because Cardiomyophaty is never a joke my child. I'm adding another medication, i really have too."

"Sure doctor, i'll just take the bathroom for a bit." Taehyung excused himself.


Jeongguk went to the grocery store and was planning to surprise the younger with a dish he made by himself. It was 4 in the afternoon when Namjoon arrived, and was about to ask Jeongguk about their final exam but ended up helping Jeongguk to prepare for his surprise to Taehyung.

"To be honest hyung, You're making a mess." Jeongguk scratch his head as he wipe the flour which are now scattered all over the place. All because of Namjoon, who was finding a scissor to open the bag of flour but ended up using the knife to cut the middle part of the bag, then it fell to the floor and now scattered.

"Just wanted to help Jeonggukssi, my bad." Namjoon smiled half sulking.

"They'll arrive in any minute hyung, How do i look?"Jeongguk ask the older, while fixing his hair to the side.

"You always look the best, you bunny head. Hurry now clean this up then i'll help you prepare the cake." Namjoon excitingly said.

"You better not touch the cake hyung, i don't wanna hurt you."Jeongguk laughs fist has now formed into a ball.

"Hey, your underestimating my ability to design a cake?" Namjoon pointed at the younger with a spatula.

"Hyung let's not fight, i don't wanna mess up today."Jeongguk lowered his head.

Few minutes later when the door creak open.


i'm sorry but i don't know how to end this chapter hahsjskskssk

its good to be back, i've been to busy lately༼ つ ◕‿◕ ༽つ

every secrets will now unfold, watch out⊂(・﹏・⊂)

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