Chapter 11: Hell is not scary. I lived there.

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A/N: Let's get it.

Chapter 11: Hell is not scary. I lived there.

Flash back

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Flash back

A small figure is sitting on the bench after that's surrounded by the beautiful trees in a small garden at the side of the big house.  A pair of crescent eyes looks at the gate constantly while playing with his toy shoveling that got dirts on it. He came back from kindergarten earlier than his father.

"Where is appa? It's late."  He pouts.

"Jimin. What are you doing here?" A taller figure reaches out to him. "Give me that."  A 5 year old boy points at the shoveling toy in Jimin's hand.

"No Kai. You have way better ones. Mom bought this for me." Little Jimin argues with his cousin who's 4 months older than himself.

"But I want it give it to me." Kai insists as he tries to grab that toy from Jimin's hand.

"No! Let go." Jimin grabs the toy tightly.

It's the toy his mom gave him. She does not do that a lot.

"Uh Young master Kai, let's go wait for your mom over there."  the nanny tries to distract Kai from the toy. That's the most she can do.

"NO I WANT IT. GIVE ME JIMIN." Kai says before he slaps Jimin hard on the face.

"Ah! Ouch." Jimin screams making the toy falls down from his hands.

Kai immediately grabs the toy and runs away.

"Young master are you ok?" The nanny asks in whisper while checking on Jimin. "I'm so so sorry." She says before she runs after Kai. "Wait young master!"

She wishes she can stay and comfort Jimin, but she cannot lose her job by doing that.

Tears fall out of Jimin's eyes. His face hurts. He looks around and no one is there with him. He cannot understand why his older cousin did that. No arms to hold and comfort him. No shoulder to cry on.

"Appa... *hic* eomma..." Jimin calls out while he sobs. "It *hic* hurts." 

"Jimin-ah!! What's wrong?" Jimin turns to the voice's owner.

"Eomma!!" Jimin shouted.

"Kai took my toy, and he slapped me. It hurts eomma." Jimin's mom sees the fingers trace on his son's face.

She sighs grabbing her son's hand, acting too normal for someone who sees her son got hurt. It's nothing new.

"Let's go to our room. Eomma will take care of your bruise." Minjung says without hugging or trying to comfort her 5 year old son.

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