Chapter 60: Acquaintance

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Chapter 60:  Acquaintance

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Chapter 60: Acquaintance

Being ignored hurts. Being looked over hurts. A person changes hurts. Someone disappeared hurts.

All those happening without any explanations, it extremely hurts.

What would one do when someone took his trust, hope, warmth, light or even virginity, and then being left hanging like a lost soul that doesn't know if it belongs to this world anymore?

How does someone live their life after everything is taken away? How to actually continue the next day when the only thing left was just a body with a lost soul because the last hope was gone.

Nowhere to feel belong.

And when that hope is back, it doesn't feel delightful. When that light shined again, it didn't feel light.

When Pain turns to anger.

Throwing things, yelling or scolding. Passively and actively hurting back. Finding a million ways to get back at the person who caused those pain, sometimes just to get something back from them. Something they took. But the truth is, one can't get back what they already lost. Or one can decide that nothing is being taken away.

At least, they can pretend.

"Jimin-ah. You're back." Jungkook calls out to the younger one who he's been waiting for, for hours. "I was worried. Why didn't you pick up my calls?" He gets up from the couch and walks to the kitchen island where he knows Jimin is heading to.

"You don't need to be worried." Jimin replies in a mono tone as he closes the door.

"Hyung got some food for you. Also, have you finished 'The Penthouse'?"

"Not yet." Jimin places his tote bag on the kitchen counter, grabbing a jar of water before he pours the water into a glass.

"Have some food. I've got your favorite corndog. You can eat them while we watch 'The Penthouse' yeah?" Jungkook gives a hopeful smile that shows his teeth.

"I'm good. I already ate."

"Oh yes, you went to eat with Jin hyung and your classmates. How was it?" Jungkook smiles softly. The question actually earns him a soft glare from the younger one. "I called everyone to figure out where you are. I was worried. Don't blame them for telling me."

"I'm not blaming them. You should finally stop asking around where I am. It's been weeks since I've asked you that. Respect my privacy." Jimin takes a glass of water and his backpack, on his way upstairs. Jimin was not able to find Jungkook back then. Jimin was scared to reach out to anyone because Jungkook might have been pissed. How unfair that Jungkook asks everyone Jimin might be with like he deserves to know. "I need to start hanging out with people you don't know."

"Jimin-ah." Jungkook then stops Jimin from doing so. "Until when you're gonna keep punishing me?" He raises his voice. Jimin's last sentence hits really badly.

"I'm not punishing you."

"Then what are you trying to do?"

"I'm trying to go upstairs and sleep."

"You know you can scold me. You can even hit me. Yell or shout at me if that'd make you feel better."

Nothing. Nothing can make him feel better. "Can you move? I'm really tired."

"It's been weeks since that trip. I gave you the space you want. You don't want me to sleep in your bed, so I don't. You don't want to go to the campus together. You don't want to eat together anymore. Ask me anything, and I'll be fine. I know. To pay for what I've done, I'll do whatever you want. Jimin-ah, I'll do whatever it takes, but I miss you. So much. I miss cuddling you. I miss touching you. I miss us spending time togethe-"

"You're living here as my roommate and nothing more."

"What?" Jungkook's lips are parted. The pair of big doe eyes grow bigger. "What's that supposed to mean? You're ending our thing?"

"You left. You were the one who wanted to end that honestly, we weren't even anything."  

"But J-Jimin. We made up. We kissed. What's happening there? You even let me take care of you. You even came back with me from that trip." Jungkook thought the space he's been given is just his punishment.

"Honestly, I came back with you because flying a private jet was comfortable."

"What about you asking me to kiss you?"

"I actually wanted a kiss, and I didn't see anything wrong with getting one. Or two. Consider it a goodbye kiss. It was a goodbye kiss for me."

"Are you being serious?" Jungkook can't believe what he just heard. Actually, he can't seem to digest everything just yet. "What the hell, Jimin?"

"I am being serious." Jimin still says everything in a calm manner.

"But I'm living here. How is that supposed to work if we end our thi-"

"I don't see anything wrong with that. You know. Roommates or acquaintances can live and do activities together." Jimin takes another sip from the glass in his hand.

"Acquaintance? Jimin, you can't be serious. Please tell me this is a joke because I'm about to go crazy." Jungkook now is walking in a circle, stopping himself from touching Jimin.

These past few weeks, Jimin has been asking Jungkook to give him space and privacy. No touching without asking. No looking at his thighs if he happens to wear shorts. Basically, no eating Jimin with his eyes. This includes flirting and dirty joking. Jungkook followed everything Jimin asked except asking around where the younger one was. That, he can't let that go.

The rules were added with time though. He found it weird that Jimin had been pushing him away so politely too, but Jungkook didn't think much since he thought it's Jimin's way to punish him. No sign of anger. No sign of Jimin trying to end their things. No warnings, and stupid Jeon Jungkook thought things were going to be fine, and now Jimin is standing here, calmly, telling him that they're just what? Roommates? Acquaintance? As if their thing never happened or even existed.

"I'm serious. Can we live together in peace? I mean. If you're about to go crazy, just keep it down. I need to sleep." 

"Jimin. You can't be serious." Jungkook just keeps saying it. He can't put himself to believe, and Jimin's calm action feels as hard as rock and as thick as an extremely high brick wall. Jungkook can't find any way to get through it now.

"I am serious."

"You can't be. You can't be, Jimin-ah."

Letting out a sign, Jimin just looks at Jungkook. "This is our truth now, Jungkook, so please, let's live together in peace. I'm extremely tired. I need to lay down. If anything, we can talk tomorrow."


"Please don't do anything crazy like coming on my bed. You know I can file a report, and I'll seriously do it."


End of chapter

A/N: Shortest chapter I've ever updated yeah?


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