298 14 23

Song recommendation: Butterfly by BTS.

1 year later.

Minho pov.

I woke up again in that cold dark room all by myself. Sitting up on my bed I just stare blankly at the wall, I raised one of my hand to feel the wetness on the side of my face. I cried again, cried dreaming about him...

It was now a daily thing, I would have a dream about him and in the end of every dream he would leave me like he actually did. He left me all by myself.

I sighed as I wipe off the tears with the back of my hand. I got up from the bed removing the comforter away.

I looked outside the window to see it raining.

Walking to the bathroom I started doing my morning routine. I was living in this big ass house all by myself, well atleast I have my cats with me.

Grabbing the suit I wear it getting ready for work, I was the CEO of a company now which were actually one of my dad's company but he pass that seat to me. I don't wanted this, I didn't wanted anything from them after themselves saying that I am not their son anymore.

I don't understand why they still calls me, why they pressure me to take care of the company, why the still pressure me to marry someone. Can't they just stop already and just leave me alone?

I wasn't much hungry as I just grab a single toast for breakfast. Opening the front door and closing it behind, I walk to my car where the driver waited for me.

"Good morning sir."

The guy said with a smile I smiled back as I greet him back.

"Good morning."

I open the back door getting in. Soon the driver also got in he start the car, driving me to the company.

The ride was silent. I lean my head against the glass window as I stare outside, soon my eyes started moving along with the water droplets that drip off from the other side of the glass window.

I pressed on the elevator and got in waiting for it stop at my floor.
Getting out of the elevator I walked to my office but soon spotted my assistant sitting inside his cabin because of the cabin having a big glass window I could see him as soon as he saw me he stood up and bow at me in 90° while greeting me.

"Good morning sir!"

I chuckled as I respond.

"You don't have to show me that much respect, Hwang."

Hyunjin chuckled showing off his teeths, A light tint of redness across his cheek.

"Call me if you need anything, sir."

He said and I nodded still smiling. He was my new assistant he been only working with me for 1 week. I walk to my own room closing the door behind. I sat on my seat opening my laptop starting to get in to my work already.

Time passes by as I keep on working, the room was filled with the sounds of me flipping through the papers and then the scribbling sounds of me writting and signing.

Suddenly I heard a knock on the door.

"Come in."

I said without looking away from the papers, I heard the door opening with a light screech. I looked up to see hyunjin, he spoke.

"You have a guest sir."

He said and I furrow my eyebrows in confusion as I ask.

"Who is it?"

"It's some guy named bangchan?..."

Hyunjin said and I raise my eyebrows in understanding.

"He is waiting in the waiting room."

"I'll be there."

He nodded and left. I stood up dropping the pen on to the desk, I crack my neck letting out a groan.

I pushed open the door of the waiting room to see Chan hyung sitting there on one of the couch. He looked up at me giving me a smile revealing his dimples, I smiled back as I took a seat on the other couch which was bigger, I sat facing him.

"When did you arrive?"

I asked as I knew he was at Australia.

"I had some work here, it's actually at Busan but I thought to visit you before that."

He said and I nodded. It was silence for some moments until he broke it by saying.

"You got more handsome."

He said making me let out a chuckle.

"You too."

I respond and he just smiled and once again it was silence, an awkward one. We never really talked to eachother after jisung's death so it felt awkward. He was my bestfriend from university and he was the one who introduced me to jisung, he was really close to jisung.

"Tomorrow is jisung's memorial day...."

Chan hyung suddenly said and I felt my breath becoming heavy at that. I close my eyes as I look down.

"I know."

I tried to don't cry again, it fucking hurted so bad when people mentioned about him. Suddenly I felt weight shift beside me I stayed in the same position. I felt a warm hand on top of mine I already knew it was Chan hyung's he gave it a light squeeze as we stay like that for a while.

"I think I will be get going now. I need to visit jisung too..."

I looked up, opening my eyes slowly. I looked at him and nodded.

"Call me."

He said and then left. I stayed on the same position I tried my best to don't cry but I couldn't help but let my eyes get filled with tears.

I wish I could change the fact he isn't alive anymore.

To be continued~

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