156 10 36

Song recommendation: Everlasting shine by TOMORROW X TOGETHER.

Minho sat up on his bed, hair all messed up as he ran his hand through the messy hair trying to neat it up a little. He let out a yawn as he stretch his body.

The boy walked inside the bathroom to wash up and get ready for work.

As he reach the bathroom counter to brush his teeth, he couldn't help but think about that one day.

"Hyung I will do it for you!"

"Jisung i am not a two year old for someone to help me brush my teeth."

"I am just trying to help you with your morning routine."

Jisung said pouting.

"And why do you wanna do that?"

"Cause I want too!"

"Okay okay now stop sulking! Here."

Minho said handing the younger his brush. Jisung took it from the older's hand happily as he started brushing for the older.
Minho had no idea why he wanted to do this but whatever makes him happy.

"Ywah iz hurtin-"

Minho tried to speak through as jisung suddenly put more force in brushing his teeth.

"I am trying to get the bacteria off!"

"Eef you keep dwoing this i will be twoothless swoon"

Minho said and jisung laughed at the older evily as he continue brushing his teeth, after a while minho was let go by jisung.

After spitting the paste out of his mouth minho let out a sigh in relief as he glare at the younger who just innocently smiled back.

"I am never letting you do that again!"

"Come on look at your teeth, it's shinning!"

Minho chuckled softly to himself as he stood in front of that same bathroom counter.

If he was still here he would had try to do it again. Minho thought to himself as he started to clean himself.

After getting out of the bathroom he saw the bright sky from his window it wasn't cloudy for once.

Eating breakfast he was lost in thoughts...
It was so quite and he hated it. He already knew that today was going to be a bad day for him.

Minho walk out of his house locking the door. He saw Mr. Kang waiting for him as always the man smiled at minho but minho didn't even noticed it.

The whole aura around him was so negative. He wished today would go fast, actually wish everyday will.

The driver looked at the man confusingly he wasn't looking very fine. Minho was being all happy and bright this days but now he looked so broken.

Getting to the company he walk inside to get to his office, he held his emotionless face. People greet him but he never did back, at a point he couldn't even find his voice.

As he was about to press the button of the elevator he heard a staff speaking.

"Sir, the elevator is still under work."

At that he felt so frustrated as he furrow his eye brows and spoke.

"This elevator has been not working for two days why is it not fixed yet!?"

He raise his voice making the male staff to be surprised by the sudden out burst.
Actually everyone in that hall was surprised, they have never seen or heard their boss angry.

𝑊ℎ𝑒𝑛 𝑙𝑜𝑣𝑒 𝑙𝑎𝑠𝑡𝑠; 𝑀𝑖𝑛𝑠𝑢𝑛𝑔.Where stories live. Discover now