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Song recommendation: Break my heart by Dua lipa.

2 years ago.

Minho's pov.

It was the first day of my third year at college. I was walking through the hall way to get to my first class.

Ahhh one more year of this shit and I am done!

I thought as I continue walking but soon my ears catch a sound of some boys laughing, First I thought to ignore it but the curiosity hit me as I peek inside the other hallway to the boys restroom.
My eyes fell on a group of five boys surrounding a boy, who looks like new here?

I heard one of the boy from the group speak.

"What? are you mute or something?"

He asked shoving the boy's shoulder making the smaller guy stumble back. His head was hung low.

"Come on talk to us."

They were bullying him, soon without myself knowing I was now fully standing infront of the hallway exit stairing at them, suddenly the boy look up and his eyes lands on mine, I felt something tickling inside my stomach as soon as I saw his face.

His pretty doe eyes were glassy from tearing up, He looked at me helplessly. Without thinking further I walk up to the group. Some of them turn their head to see me.

"Leave him alone."

I said firmly standing infront of the group who's back were facing me. They turn around and a tall guy walk closer to me I look up with sharp eyes.

"What will you do if we don't?"

The tall guy asked. I death glare him and spoke.

"Have you been beaten up until you don't feel the pain well don't worry you will know soon, cause that's what I am gonna do."

I said and the guy raise his fist to throw a punch at me but before it could meet my face I grab it and twist it making the guy let out a high pitched scream like a girl, making me almost laugh because I couldn't believe that voice was coming out of this buff ass guy who were acting all tough.

Before I could do something further we heard a woman speaking from the exit of the hallway with a loud voice.

"What is happening here?"

We all turn to that direction to see a professor she had her arms crossed and placed on top of here chest, she held a serious expression on her face.

"This guy almost broke my arm."

The tall guy spoke yanking his hand away from my grip. My eyes widen.

"And why did you do that?"

She asked and I open my mouth to speak but before I could spit out a word an other voice spoke up for me.

"He was trying to help me."

The guy who was getting bullied said as he walk little closer to the teacher.

"They were trying to bully me and he came up to help me, he ask them to leave me alone but they didn't agree and even try to throw a punch at him, he just try to protect himself by twisting his arm."

He said to the professors and the women's gaze fell on the five boys.

"Now that make alot more sense after knowing about how many times y'all try to mess with the other students. Now come with me!"

She said and the guys walk to her the taller look over his shoulder and glare at me, I show the same emotion as him. Soon it was only me and the boy.

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