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Song recommendation: Tamed-Dashed by Enhypen.

December 31.

No one's pov.

It was the day before new year, and Jisung and felix were currently sitting at a cafe. The cafe was filled with the strong scent of coffee and deserts and the sounds of people talking and the sound of fork and spoon hitting against the plates.

Felix held a nervous expression as he nervously keep on blabbering.
Jisung just sat their stirring his own coffee with a spoon, tired of hearing Felix asking the same questions at him.

"Are you even listening to me!?"

The Australian asked and jisung sighed before responding.

"You been talking to me about this for the past 5 months."

"Ahhh it's because I am that nervous!"

Jisung took a sip from his coffee placing the cup back down at the table, as he looked at the blond boy sternly before speaking.

"Today is the new year eve and you promised that you will confess to him today."

"I know that but how the fuck am i suppose to confess?"

"Do I need to tell you the definition of confession?"

Felix frowned as he crush a tissue paper and aim it at jisung's forehead.


Jisung wince in pain as he rub his forehead even though it didn't hurt at all.

"I don't mean it like that idiot! I was talking about how am I gonna confess to him without fainting on the spot, I am sure he is gonna reject me!!"

Felix panicked while holding his head with wide eyes. Taking another sip from the coffee jisung spoke again.

"You are just being dramatic. Listen to nike, Just do it."

The blond boy glared at the squirrel as he spit out words.

"If you don't remember let me remind you that how scared you was for confessing to minho hyung, you even cried like a bitch and it was such a head ache. So at least I am not being that dramatic!"

Felix fired back making jisung roll his eyes at the younger (by one day).

"It took me only two weeks to get in a relationship with him and it took you years. We are different."

"If it wasn't for those bullies you would haven't still confessed!"

Soon the tension between them got hotter.
It was a daily thing to see jilix fighting for the stupidest things but after a few seconds they be vibing with eachother like nothing happened at all.

"You wanna fight!? Then beat me in chicken dance!!"

Jisung suddenly raise his voice making felix do the same as he respond.

"That's unfair you are too good at chicken dance, But let's do renegade---"

Felix was cut off when a waitress walk to them and spoke.

"I am sorry, but can you guys keep it down?.."

She asked softly. Jisung and felix let out a awkward laugh in unison.

"We are sorry!"

They apologised once again in unison. She gave them a polite smile and left, while the other two boys bowed at the people who's attention was on them because of their sudden outburst.

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