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Song recommendation: Brooklyn Baby by Lana Del Rey

Next day.

Minho's pov.

"Are you sure you want me to come there, Like what if your employees got you talking to me. I am sure they will sent you to mental hospital if that happens."

I heard jisung blabbering nervously, sitting on top of the bathroom counter in his all white outfit, while I was fixing my hair with the help of the mirror in front of me.

"Stop worrying so much. I will be careful when I talk to you."

I said but jisung wasn't still feeling good about the idea of me bringing him to work with me.

"What if i knock something out then they will think the company is haunted and--"

Before he could finish his words I quickly move closer to him, grabbing his chin with my right hand tilting it up a little.

Our noses were touching but lips still far from eachother.

His doe eyes widen, surprised from my sudden action.

My eyes bore in to his violet orbs, as I spoke in a low husky voice staring intensely at the boy.

"Stop worrying my love...Nothing is gonna go wrong."

I said and I saw a blush crepting up on to his cheeks.

I smirk as I move back, leaving him in the same position.

"So let's go!?"

I said in a happy voice Giving him a smile, soon he nodded.

We were now sitting inside the car going to the company. I tried my best to don't stare at him or accidentally talk to him not wanting my driver to think I have gone crazy.

It was a silent drive. I was looking outside like always, suddenly my eyes move to the rear view mirror of the car and soon I notice how jisung was no where to be seen through the mirror. I quickly look towards the direction he sat and saw him sitting there looking outside. My gaze quickly moving back to the rear view mirror and once again he was invisible.

"Why didn't I never notice this." I thought to myself.

"Is everything okay sir?"

I heard the familiar voice of Mr. Kang speaking. I chuckled nervously and nod my head, he just nods back.

Soon enough the car stop in front of the company.

And we got outside walking inside the company I saw jisung's nervous face as he walk beside me keeping himself close to me, His clothed shoulder pressed against mine.

Everyone greeted me like always, this time me greeting back with an unusual bright smile which most of them seem to notice. I felt jisung's eyes on me as we continue walking to the office.

Soon we enter the elevator now facing each other.

Jisung kept staring at me with a small smile on his lips he didn't utter a word, At that i could not help but let the blood rush to my cheeks.

"W-why are you staring at me like that?"

I asked. His smile widens, beaming me the heart shaped smile of his which always made my heart go crazy.

"You look pretty with that smile."

I heard him speak before I could respond the door of the elevator slide open with a ring. I look back at him and signal him to follow me.

𝑊ℎ𝑒𝑛 𝑙𝑜𝑣𝑒 𝑙𝑎𝑠𝑡𝑠; 𝑀𝑖𝑛𝑠𝑢𝑛𝑔.Where stories live. Discover now