175 11 7

Song recommendation: Moonlight by chase Atlantic.

Minho's pov.

We were now sitting inside the car on our way back to home.

"So wasn't it a good idea to show up to the dinner, you could atleast hear that from your dad."

Jisung spoke up making me glance at the boy and lightly smile.

"Sure it was, but the idea you had for messing this all is still so fucking funny."

"Bitch it's nothing funny I would had just scare her away,making her never approach you again."

The younger said as he pout lightly. I just let out a chuckle at that and continue driving until a idea came across my mind.
So i clear up my throat speaking up.

"I know it's already late but I wanna bring you somewhere."

Jisung turn his head towards me while holding a confused expression on his face his doe eyes watching me drive as he ask.


He asked.

"Just wait and see."

I said as I continue driving. He didn't give up and keep on whining to tell him where we were going but I just ignored him, My eyes focusing on the road. Finally he gave up as he sighed and lean his head against the seat.

I glance at him as I saw him watch outside the window of the car, silently.

"There is so many stars at the sky today..."

He trailed off as he watch the sky while I drive. He was right today the sky was pretty clear unlike the past days now revealing the stars and the moon on the dark sky.

"I don't even know why it is always raining non-stop these days."

I said as I turn the steering wheel, my eyes scanning across the road.

"But today it didn't rain that much tho."

Jisung stated as he still keep his attention outside the car window. I just hummed in response.

It was silence once again suddenly I felt the urge of holding him so I did. Reaching out for his cold soft hand which was placed on his lap I intertwine it with mine, I felt his gaze on me as I continue driving but soon I felt his hands also wrapping around mine. I lightly smile at that as I drive with one hand as the other hold my boyfriend's.

After a long drive we had reach our destination as soon as he saw where we were he excitedly got off his car,I followed him opening the door and getting out letting the cold air hit me.

We were infront of the empty beach as far as I could see no one was there.

I saw jisung walking closer to me I watch him with a smile he had a adorable excited expression on his face.

"It's been a while since I saw the beach."

"I know.."

I whisperd to him he looked at me our gaze meeting each other. His hand reach for mine as he hold it and drag me to the shore, We ran to the shore with our hands intertwined with each other,  jisung giggling.

This current moment gave me the flash back to that day where we were trying to escape from the bullies. I felt a warm feeling building up inside my chest as the view of the jisung from college flash through my mind.

Soon we were standing infront of the sea the breeze hitting his face as his hair flowed in the air.

He tighten the grip around my hand as he flash me the biggest smile.

𝑊ℎ𝑒𝑛 𝑙𝑜𝑣𝑒 𝑙𝑎𝑠𝑡𝑠; 𝑀𝑖𝑛𝑠𝑢𝑛𝑔.Where stories live. Discover now