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Song recommendation: Washing Machine Heart by Mitski.

Minho's pov.

As hyunjin asked I told him everything, How we met and how everything end up here. He didn't utter a word after hearing all of that, first I thought he didn't wanted to ask further and make me emotional or some shit but when I turn my head to him I kind of felt like that wasn't the only reason.

His eyes were slightly widen and it was filled with tears, he was breathing heavily, his facial expression looked shocked and at the same time it looked like he was thinking about something. I flinch hearing him suddenly speak.

"His name was h-han jisung?"

He asked turning his head to me, his voice was slightly shaking. I nod my head helding a confused face. He looked back at the road.

"What is it?"

He shook his head as he said.

"Nothing. I heard that name somewhere else before..."

I narrow my eyes at him as I ask.


"I don't remember."

Suddenly the car stopped.

"We are here."

He said sliding his long black hair behind his ear. I look outside of the car to see us infront of the company.

Time skips.

I was back home, now walking to the door to get inside. The raining had finally stopped but it was still chilly outside..I thought as I walk closer to the door. I got inside turning on the lights, the bright light hit against my eyes I squint my eyes until my eyes were adjusting to the light. I saw Dori standing beside the couch she was staring up at the couch, I move my gaze to the same area where she was staring at to find her just staring up at the air.

I furrow my eyebrows in confusion as I squat beside her.

"What is it Dori?"

I asked quietly making her look up at me. I smiled as I slowely pick her up, leaving a soft kiss on her head.

Suddenly I felt a shiver running through my spine as some type of coldness hit me. I look around in confusion as I saw every door and windows close, I wondered where this cold air was coming from. I thought to shrug it off as I walk with Dori in my arms soon I spotted the other two, they were laying on their cat beds. I placed Dori down as I walk away to their bowls grabbing the cat food, placing the right amount of food on the each bowls. I walk back closer to them, placing the bowls down.

I give a small pat on everyones head as they began to eat their food. I sat on the floor with my leg crossed watching them, suddenly I remembered about hyunjin, He was acting very different after getting back to the company, he seemed lost in his thoughts.

As I sat there I suddenly felt someone's presence behind me, it felt like someone was watching me. I look over my shoulder to see no one, with a confused face I look around it was just an empty house with me and my cats but I don't know I felt like there was one more person....

Again I felt the coldness making me shiver lightly, what's going on? At this point I was getting scared.

I got up from the wooden floor walking around the house making sure everything is fine when I relise it was all fine I walk upstairs to my room.

"I am tired that's must be why I am feeling like this..."

I talk to myself as I push the door of my room open revealing just darkness. I switch on the light as I walk to the bathroom, stripping myself I rush to the shower booth to get a hot relaxing shower.

I turn on the tap waiting for the water to get hot and when it did I went under it letting the water fall and slide against my skin, I saw the shower booth getting all fogged up as I stood there.

I grab the soap starting to clean myself but that's when I suddenly heard the sound of the door opening and shutting.

"What the fuck!?"

I whispered yell as I felt my whole heart drop, my eyes widen as I quickly rinse myself, getting out of the cabin as quick as possible. Wearing a bath robe over my naked body I walk closer to the door.

My hands shaked a little as I grab on to the handel of the bathroom with taking a deep breath in I slowely open it. I peek my head out with my heart beating so damn fast.

I glance over at my room to see no one I let out a small sigh in relif but then I thought, Then where did I heard that sound from?

I grab my PJ's as I wore it walking outside my room glancing down from the rails of the stairs as I saw the empty living room.

"Ahhh I am just imagining this all!"

I spoke to myself once again as I walk back to my room. Throwing myself on the bed,and as soon as I felt the soft matters underneath me I felt myself falling asleep.

Time skips.

I was standing at the middle of the road. It was raining hard making me have a hard time to keep my eyes open, I felt my clothes sticking up to my body as I stood there at that dark street.
I saw someone standing there infront of me pretty far from me.

Suddenly the rain started getting slow making me see who the person was and as soon as I recognise the face my eyes widen.
It was jisung he stood there staring at me, he was crying, his other side of the face was coverd with blood.


I called out my voice breaking I felt my heart tightening as I saw him cry. I started to walk close to him, wanting to embrace him but before I could reach him a car rush to him and it hit him.

I opened my eyes wide as I gasped for air. I sat up on my bed the moonlight hitting me as it pass through the glass window.

It was a nightmare... Why am I always having this nightmares! I thought as I pressed my face against my palms, breathing heavily.
I sat like that for a while trying to calm down.

I remove my hands away from my face. My gaze move around the room and it stop at the closed door.

"I need some water..."

I said to myself as I got up from the bed. I walk downstairs once again the moon was the only light which helped me see things.

I grab the jar of water from the kitchen counter, gulping down the water as I did I felt myself shivering once again I stop on my track then slowely bringing down the jar from my mouth, still holding it. I hesitate to look back as I felt the presence once again.


I drop the jar and it fell on to the floor shattering in to pieces with a loud noise. I heard the fimilar voice calling me, My eyes widen...It's his voice, it's Jisung's voice!

I thought as I turn around to see the figure, The figure of someone I don't thought I will see again. I could not believe myself, I even doubt myself if I was still in my dream.

My eyes widen as I stare at him, Jisung. He stood there a few feet away from me...he was looking alot paler, his eyes were flashing violet.

I am dreaming, I am definitely dreaming he can't come back he is gone forever.

I told myself as I close my eyes tightly, I reopen my eyes again only to see him still standing there soon enough I saw him walking closer to him, my eyes were widen as my breath started getting heavy.


He spoke again but I didn't replied but walk backwards as he walk closer to me.

Soon I felt my whole vision getting blurry my whole body was feeling weak as I fell on to the floor, I hiss in pain as I fall on top of the glass pieces on the floor but before I could think or look further everything went pitch black.

To be continued...

𝑊ℎ𝑒𝑛 𝑙𝑜𝑣𝑒 𝑙𝑎𝑠𝑡𝑠; 𝑀𝑖𝑛𝑠𝑢𝑛𝑔.Where stories live. Discover now