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Song recommendation: Epiphany by BTS JIN.

No one's pov.

1 year ago.

It was really cold outside, random thunder sounds here and there but it wasn't raining yet. The boy walk through the road with his head down, His hands in his pockets trying to keep it warm.

As every thunder was heard Jisung would flinch but will keep walking with his head down.

He was not sure if he was doing the right thing but at this moment this is the only thing he could do.

Soon enough he was infront of the big mansion like house guards all around infront of the house. Suddenly one of them notice the boy as the guard asked.

"What is it?"

He looked up his eyes locking with the taller and bigger men. Taking a deep breath in, he decided to speak.

"I need to meet Mr and Mrs. Lee."

The guard look at him for a brief moment with sharp eyes making jisung grow more anxious. He could no longer look up at his eyes as he lower it and stare at the toe of his shoes.

The guard let out a soft sigh and call out an another guard telling him something.
Jisung looked up when the other man asked.

"What's your name?"

"J-jisung, Han Jisung."

He said and soon the other guard walk away after a minute or so he came back.

"Let him in."

The gate was opened for the smaller guy as he walked further to the house. With his heart racing fast he stood straight infront of the opening door way.

"Go in."

The guard who stood beside the door said in somewhat a soft voice, He was less intimidating than others. The brown long door was pushed open as he enter the house.

The house was beautiful with bright lights around, Some art pieces there and here and the dark expensive furnitures.

"Why are you here jisung?"

He suddenly heard the familiar voice making him flinch lightly, he whip his head to the side to see Mr.lee sitting on the big black couch looking like he was waiting for the boy. He felt himself lightly shaking in anxiety but he try to hold it back, This was not only for him it's also for minho. He wanna do this for him.

"I wanted to talk to you."

He said in more of a firm voice. The middle aged man on the couch nodded his head as he told jisung to take a seat. He felt the stare of Mr.Lee burning in to his skin as he looked down at his lap, Searching for the right words.


Before he could even start talking, an other familiar voice echoed through the big living room.

"What is he doing here!?"

The both male turn their head to see minho's mother standing there with a serious face, her eyes were glaring at jisung as she walked closer. Jisung slowly stood up from the couch as his eyes never left the women who was looking at him with so much hatred.

"Who let him in?"

She asked as she looked at her husband.

"I did, he wanted to talk to us."

"And why do you wanna listen to his talk, he must be here to convince us to believe some fucking bullshit! He must be here to stole more things from us! Don't forget about how he took our son from us."

She spat out, fuming in anger. Jisung eyes were widen as tears filled up his eyes..

"No I was just here to solve this all--"

He was interrupted again as the women yell with tears flowing down her cheeks.

"The only way you can solve this all is by leaving my son alone, You are no good for him if you really love him then do that!"

Every single word that women yelled out was piercing through his chest like a knife, he didn't knew why she was this furious. He felt like he was the worst thing hearing up on those words coming from the women's mouth.

Tears fall off his eyes, the other words that left from the women was not heard by him as he felt all the voices around him fainting.

Without wasting a moment he walk out of the house with tears streaming down his cheeks, he heard the faint voice of minho's father calling out his name but he didn't listen to it and started running out of the house with a great speed. The guards were surprised by the boy running off the house like that.

Mr. Lee looked at his wife who was standing there she was sobbing as he stare down at the floor, calming her self down.

"Don't you think that was too much?"

The women didn't respond to that,As even herself felt like that was too much to say to a young boy like him.

Meanwhile the said boy was still running through the road soon he slowed his pace falling on to his knees as he started crying hard.

He wondered why everyone was disgusted of him, why everyone wanted to runaway from him, was he that awful?

After a while he slowly stood up on his legs trying to wipe away the tears but tears kept flowing down his cheeks, It wasn't coming to an end.

He continue walking sniffing was heard there and here, He looked so broken and If his boyfriend saw him like this he is sure he would get all pissed off and will try to go after the person who did this to him, But when it's his own mother what would he do? At a point jisung knew he wouldn't even care if it was his own mother, He won't hurt her physically or anything but he will do something for sure and he didn't wanted that, Even after how much insult he heard from that women he could not hate her. She was a mother, a mother who wanted his son to have the best.. she must have not been the best one out there but he knows she loves her son like most of the mothers in this world do, He knows all of this is also because of how much she loves him and one day for sure, she will finally understand what she did was wrong.

She will, if she really loves her son.

Jisung was walking through the empty street, The yellow street lights around him as he drag his legs back to the apartment. He actually didn't wanted to go back and worry his hyung, He wanted to try acting like he was happy to don't worry the older but he didn't knew if he could with this state he was in now.

His eyes were puffy and red, nose tip red aswell, tear stains across his face.

Soon enought tears filled his eyes again and that's when he suddenly heard the loud voice of a car honking.

He turn around only to have his eyes get hit by the strong bright light almost making him go blind. Before he could do anything he felt the car hitting him he felt himself getting thrown in to the road harshly. His body slide against the hard ground the back of his head hitting against the concreat road.

Soon it was starting to get hard to breath there was a ring inside his ears, it was so loud for him. With his blurry vision he saw the car which hit him quickly driving away, Leaving the boy all alone at the road to bleed to death.

He slowly tried to raise his hand but he could not. It was hard to move even a single muscle in his body, every part of his body was hurting so bad as a tear drop down his eyes because of the pain.


To be continued~

Why am i doing this to myself!?

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