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Song recommendation: Secret Secret by Stray kids.

Minho's eyes slowly flutter open and as he did he heard the raining voices echoing through his ears. Blinking twice he look down at the weight he was feeling down his chest and lower part of his body to find jisung laying on top of him.

The older smiled at it as he saw the younger's sleeping face, his hand moved up to brush the messy hair away from the latter's face.

He looked adorable, cheeks puffed, lips pouty, eyes closed showing off his pretty eyelashes. The boy was also wearing minho's over sized white T-shirt and shorts as it was only them at home.

Minho didn't utter a word but just laid there admiring his boyfriend.

"I wish I could never let go of you..."

Minho whispers under his breath as he lean in and left a soft kiss on top of the boy's head.

Minho's hand slide down to the boy's butt soon he was groping it making the younger whine in his sleep. Minho chuckled softly as he rolled them to the side letting jisung lay on his side.

Jisung woke up hearing the soft chuckle leaving the older's mouth. He open his eyes, squinting his eyes at first then rubbing his eyes to clear his vision while letting out a soft yawn.

"Why are you being so adorable first thing in the morning hmm?"

Minho asked in his raspy morning voice making the younger just beam at him innocently, still feeling sleepy. As much as minho wanted to be happy at this cute moment he could not, The truth of him leaving after this three days made his heart hurt so bad that he could no more focus on what was happening at the moment.


Jisung called out as he saw his hyung suddenly zoning out. Minho flinched as he came back to his sense. He just chuckled trying to push back the pain, he didn't wanted to upset the younger first thing in the morning.

"Let's get up."

"Oh what happend? You were the one who always not wanting to get up. I always had to drag your ass out of the bed."

Jisung complained making minho let out an other chuckle but this time the sadness was visible in the laugh without himself noticing it.

Jisung's smile fell down as he saw the sadness inside his boyfriend eyes and voice. Minho also soon noticed it and quickly try to change the subject before the younger could ask him something.

"Now get your ass up we gonna be late!"

Minho said loudly as he slap the younger's ass.

"Yah stop touching my butt!"

Minho went to take a shower while jisung were making the bed. He was lost in his thoughts as he did so.

He glance outside from the window to see it once again raining, The dark clouds, The cold air...It felt like it's been raining forever.

"Oi get ready!"

Minho said as he walk past jisung grabbing the younger's butt once again making jisung to hit him with a towel.

"Ow ow I am sorry!"

Minho apologized now letting out a true laugh, his eyes curving in to eye smiles. Jisung fondly smiled at that as he made his way inside the bathroom.

"I love you stupid..."

The younger whisper to himself as he made his way inside the bathroom but little did he knew minho heard it as he chuckled to himself.

𝑊ℎ𝑒𝑛 𝑙𝑜𝑣𝑒 𝑙𝑎𝑠𝑡𝑠; 𝑀𝑖𝑛𝑠𝑢𝑛𝑔.Where stories live. Discover now