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Song recommendation: Fear of the water by SYML.

No one's pov.

Minho and jisung was currently at the beach, The sky was clouded and dark as they stood at the shore letting the wave slide over their feet.

Minho was staring ahead feeling nothing but sad.

It was the 3 rd day, The day were jisung is leaving...

It was now like 6 at the evening as they stood there and stare at the sea. Minho's heart beat rapidly not even knowing when jisung will be gone as time pass by he was getting more nervous he wish somehow jisung won't, he wish they won't take him away once again.

The oldest between them let out a long sigh jisung noticed it, so he reach for minho's hand intertwining his fingers with the older's as he hold it tight.

Minho's gaze fell on jisung as the said boy also stared back. There was no smile on both of their face, no light in their eyes which actually was always there when they looked at eachother.

Minho's gaze fell down to their intertwined hand as he saw the ring still on his finger.

"Don't do something stupid like before when I will be gone."

Jisung spoke as he once again was looking ahead. Minho already knew what he was talking about.

"You don't want all of them to be hurt right? You know how it feels to lose someone you love."

Minho knew better than anyone how it felt for one whole year he suffered with it and he is gonna continue suffer like that.

Minho nod his head. He gulp down as he spoke.

"So y-you are really l-leaving me again..."

He spoke no expression on his face but his heart was feeling like getting squeezed by someone. His voice was shaking as he pull himself back from crying, he didn't wanted to cry again...There is nothing he could get from crying anymore, Just two red swollen eyes.

Jisung just stood silent he didn't had anything to say it was clear that he need to leave, he was still regretting not telling the older earlier about this all. Jisung just hurt him more by giving him hope that he won't leave again.


Minho called out making the younger look at him soon the older male put his both hand on top of the younger's shoulders making him look straight at minho. They were now facing eachother.

Minho slightly lean down as he connect his lips to the younger's. Closing his eyes he kissed him softly, Jisung responding almost immediately.

Breaking the kiss minho looked at his lover's eyes. Minho beam a true smile at jisung but yet the sadness was still visible inside his eyes.

"I am glad that I could meet you in this life...And if we get a chance to have a second life I wish I could meet you again. If we did I will make sure you won't be in this state, I will make sure that I won't have to visit you at your grave."

Jisung just stare at the older with teary eyes until he embrace the older tightly, Minho smiled sadly as he hug the smaller boy back.

"You were really a fun person jisungie, Always doing the stupidest things, pulling pranks at me, being clumsy, saying jokes. You made my boring life fun and Thank you so much for that."

Minho said as jisung pull away tears were on the verge of falling.

"I wasn't doing stupidest things you were just stupid to understand what I was doing."

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