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Song recommendation- Black Out Days by phantogram.
There is also a reverb and slowed version in Spotify.

1 year ago.

Minho pov.

Me and jisung were sitting at a cafe, drinking coffee. Yesterday was my graduation from college, Jisung still had 2 years more to go and he was whinning about it. It was raining outside as we could see and hear the rain drops hitting against the glass window of the cafe.


I called out and he looked up at me and put down the cup of coffee, giving me his full attention.

"What is it?..."

He asked quietly, I stare at his eyes for a little and then started speaking.

"I think it's time for me to introduce you to my family."

He stare at me with a mix of shocked and nervous expression as he asked.

"Why? Like why all of a sudden?"

His voice was coated with a big amount of nervousness. I sighed as I move my hand to grab his which was placed on top of the other side of the table, I interviewed my hands with his warm ones, it was always this warm.

"You are a big part of my life jisung and I need to tell that to my family...I can't hide it from them anymore. I want everyone to know that I love you and only you."

I said staring at him with sincere and loving eyes, I drew circles around the back of his hand with my thumb, soothingly. Suddenly his lips started curving in to a small smile but within a second it dropped.

"What if they don't accept us? Like you are dating a male, and I heard that they are very strict and like what if they turn out to be homophobic or something-"

He started blabbering while panicking, I cut him off as I gave a light squeeze to his hand.

"Hear me out you squirrel! I don't care if they don't accept us, I am still gonna love you no matter what!, And I have the right to love who ever I want, so no can stop me."

He stare at me silently for a while then slowely a smile crept on his lips. He let out a small chuckle, I smiled admiring his bueatiful smile... Even after how much time I have seen his smile I never got tired of it.

We were now walking out of the cafe, hand in hand, I was also holding an umberalla on top of us bcs of the raining.

"What are we gonna do next?"

Jisung suddenly asked making me look at him. I shrugged as I spoke.

"Anything you want."

By the serious look on his face I understand he was trying to think of what to do next, suddenly his furrowed eyebrows raised up signaling he got an idea.

"Let's go watch a movie at my apartment, Felix is out for the whole day."

He said and I thought for a moment before nodding my head in agreement.

We were now inside jisung's room cuddling in his bed while a movie played on the laptop. Currently a funny scene was going, our both laughs echoed through the apartment. I giggled as I look down to jisung who's head was leaned back against my chest.
Soon I got lost in admiring him for the millionth time.

Hearing my sudden silence, The younger boy looked up and our eye's met, he furrow his eyebrows in confusion and I chuckled.
Leaning down I attach my lips to his.

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