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Song recommendation: OH by stray kids.

He could not finish his thoughts.. as darkness fogged up his blurry vision.

Jisung pov.

I felt light hit against my face as I slowely lift my eye lids up only to be hit by a strong blinding light. I close my eyes tightly and open it again blinking a few times to get adjusted with the light.

I saw a bright white sky above me as I lay down on the ground, I look around to find myself surrounded by white soft flowers. I slowely sat up as I look to my left and right all I could see was white and green, it was like no other colour existed there.

Soon my eyes fell on to the flowers which were surrounding me I lift my hand up touching the flower with my pointing finger I slowely caress the flower's white petal feeling the soft petal under the pad of my finger, a small smile appear on my face but then... I remembered everything that happened a while ago, I felt myself having a small flash back at the incident...

Am I dead? Where even am I? I thought as I slowely stood up on my feet. I look down at myself to find myself wearing an all white outfit, I was bare foot, now standing in the middle of nowhere.

I flinch as I heard a soft voice of a male speak from behind me. I turn my head as I look over my shoulder to find a man with raven hair standing there looking at me, he was wearing the same outfit as me, he had sharp violet eyes, his skin was pale,He had red plumb lips....he was breathtaking.


I heard him speak again and I turn my whole body around now standing face to face with him, he was standing a few feet away from me as we stare at eachother.

"W-who are you?.."

I asked and he slowly smiled showing of his pearly white teeth.

"I am haneul."

I look around as I ask.

"Where the fuck am I!?"

I asked starting to get kind of scared he didn't spoke and I whip my head to face him once again.

"Where am I?"

He shrugged his shoulder as he replied.

"You are not getting an answer for that question."

"The fuck!? I fucking got hit by a car and then end up waking up in the middle of nowhere surrounding by flower! Which was nice but that's not the point! The point is why you are not telling me where I am??"

I don't know why I all of sudden flipped off like that but I was desperate for an answer cause it was all so confusing.

"Calm down jisung..."

"How am I supposed to calm down— wait...how do you know my name??"

I asked growing more confused.

"I have my ways."

"And what is that ways?"

"You ask too much questions."

He said calmly as he stuff his hands inside the pockets.

"I have only asked like two, three questions it's not that much of questions."

"It is, Now follow me kid."

He said as he started walking away his hands still in his pocket. I crossed my arms over my chest as I spoke.

"I am not following you!"

I said but totally followed him as I walk behind him, like what do you expect me to do? I don't even had an idea about where I am.
It was silence for like three, four seconds as a thought came across my mind, I spoke again.

𝑊ℎ𝑒𝑛 𝑙𝑜𝑣𝑒 𝑙𝑎𝑠𝑡𝑠; 𝑀𝑖𝑛𝑠𝑢𝑛𝑔.Where stories live. Discover now