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Song recommendation: Hold on by Chord overstreet.

"I am sorry hyung...I lied to you..I lied to you that I won't leave you again..cause actually I have to leave."

Jisung said as he keep letting out the tears from his eyes non stop, Letting it slide down his soft cheeks then slowly dropping down to the ground.

Minho's eyes were widen as his grasp around jisung loosen, he let his arms hang down there as he stare at the younger, Praying he is just joking.


Those words left minho's mouth like a sigh as he watch the violet eyed boy cry.

"I told you that I had to agree on some rules to get back here....but you never let me tell you what it was. The rules were that I should not let anyone else know about me other than you and t-that I have to g-go back after one month and now there is only 3 days left..."

Jisung finally spoke the truth making minho's heart to shatter like the day when he heard about jisung's death, It felt the exact same.

Minho let out a chuckle as he spoke.

"Don't play with me jisung, I know you are j-joking."

His voice cracked as he spoke hoping for the younger to burst out laughing shouting something stupid but nothing like that happen.

The latter just shook his head a no.

"I am not joking hyung.."

Minho no more know what to say, he could not believe what he was hearing. He almost felt scared at the thought of going back to live like how he used to before jisung came back. He thought he got everything back but it was only to give everything back. He turn around from jisung staring off to the city across the bridge as tears filled his eyes  blurring his vision.

Minho didn't utter a word, He didn't know what to say. Jisung move closer to him as he stood in the same position as minho.

"I wanted to tell you the day I reached here but I could not bring myself looked so happy that I didn't wanted to ruin it but I know this hurts more.."

Minho turn his gaze to the younger as tears finally slipped out of his eye.

"I am sorry hyung..."

Jisung whispered out as he lower his gaze.

"I am not letting you leave...I am not letting anyone take you away from me again!!"

Minho screamed as he break down in to tears kneeling down on the ground as he bang his forehead against the wall crying hard as he hold on to the rail of the bridge.


Jisung called out worriedly as he also kneel down with wide eyes to see the side of his forehead bleeding. Jisung try to pull minho closer to his embrace but only to have the older hold him by his collar bringing jisung's face closer to his own.

Minho looked at jisung with hurt inside his eyes as he asked.

"Why do you wanna hurt me like this jisung? W-why??"

He asked making jisung let out more tears.

"Why did you promise me that you won't leave me again if you know you could not keep it??"

Jisung never felt this much guilty ever in his life, he felt like the guilt eating him up as he listen to the older's questions.

"After all of it you are now telling me you are gonna leave me after 3 fucking days?"

Minho asked as he make jisung look straight up in to his eyes. The younger didn't knew what to respond as he stood silent.

Minho left the younger's collar as he lean his bruised forehead against the wall once again,closing his eyes shut as tears slipped out of it. Jisung also sat there silently watching minho not knowing what to say or do.

Just a while ago they were laughing and having fun then now they are looking beyond miserable.

After a while of sitting like that the taller stood up his eyes were red from crying, He worn no expression as he spoke.

"L-let's go."

Jisung slowly stood up as he follow his boyfriend behind. As they continue walking their way to the house jisung was watching how different minho was acting, he couldn't believe it was the same person from a while ago it made him realise how he broke him.

But what can he do? All he can do is obey the rules but he know he fucked it up by lying to minho.

Soon the both male reached back home. without a word minho walk straight to his room locking the door, Jisung just watched him do it as he push himself down the couch.

He wish he never fucking lied.

As he sat like that his eyes fall on the older's phone on the couch which he didn't bring with himself the screen lit up with a random message showing him the photo of him and minho as the older's lock screen seeing that he just wanted run in to the older's arm and beg minho to forgive him but it was harder than that.

Jisung flinched when he heard minho's voice echoing from behind.

"You should fresh up..."

He said in a low voice, groggy from all the crying. Jisung whipped his head to minho to see him in his pj's ready to sleep, The wound was still not treated but the blood was wiped off his forehead but it didn't help as he was still bleeding.

"Your forehead is bleeding.."

Jisung said as he stood up. Minho nodded as he spoke avoiding the younger's gaze.

"It's fine..."

Minho said as he walk to the kitchen. He grab the water jar from the counter pouring himself a glass of water as he soon gulp the water down his throat.

The black haired male sat down on the stool as he stare off at nowhere deep in thoughts.

After a while he felt a presence beside him soon his stool was turned around only to face his boyfriend who sat there looking at him.

The younger boy cup the older's face in to his cold hand as he examine the wound on minho's side forehead. Minho just watched jisung somewhat amazed. The younger let out a soft sigh as he grab the first aid kit which he bring to the kitchen, he open the white box searching for a cotton ball and when he did he slightly wet it soon pressing it against the wound, which made minho hiss in pain.


Jisung muttered under his breath as he clean the blood away. Soon he was searching for the ointment to put over the wound. As jisung took care of the wound minho was busy staring at the boy capturing every single details of the boy's face with his eyes, forgetting about every other things that's happening to him.

Jisung placed a bandage on top off the wound finishing it off.

As he was done, he lower his gaze to meet with minho's.

"Can you please don't leave?"

The male asked softly as tears filled his eyes. Jisung stare at the man for a moment then hugging the older tightly as he put his head on the crook of the neck of the older, letting the tears fall off once again, it slide down the older's neck. Minho hugged back caressing the younger's hair as he breath in the scent of the younger's. His scent never failed to make minho calm down and minho loved it for that.

"I love you so much, love..."

Minho spoke making jisung reply.

"I love you too, I am sorry for lying to you hyung.."

To be continued~

This felt dramatic lol

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