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Song recommendation: The view by stray kids.

Minho's pov.

I was packing my things to go back home while Jisung waited for me sitting on top of my desk.

After shoving everything inside the leather bag I zip it close.

"Let's go..."

Jisung nodded as he get off the desk and as I was about to hold his hand the sudden ring of my phone was heard.

I took out the phone from my pocket looking who was calling me.

My eyes scan over the ID only to have my eyebrows furrowed.

I tap the green button answering the call, Pressing the device against my ear.

"Minho tomorrow is the dinner, you need to be here-"

"No eomma, we already talked about this I am not coming to any dinner, please just leave me alone for once."

I said as I cut the call sliding it back in to my pocket only it to start ringing again. I huffed in annoyance and decide to don't pick up the call already knowing it was non other than my mother who was calling.

My eyes move to the confused boy who stood in front of me.

"It's my mom."

I simply said and he nod his head saying.

"I got that but what was the dinner thing about?"

He asked.

"Well...she is trying to force me to join a dinner with an other business family and the problem is it's not a normal dinner... They are trying to arrange a marriage for me with the girl from the other family, I already told her I am not coming but she isn't giving up."

I said as I sighed.

"Well why don't you just go?"

Jisung asked and I look at him in disbelief.

"Are you kidding me? I don't wanna get married with some fucking girl when I already have you!"

Jisung chuckled as he said.

"I don't told you to go marry her, Just go to the dinner. Like you know your mom isn't gonna stop until you agree to be at the dinner."

"I swear to god I can't even think about it.."

"I am pretty sure nothing is gonna happen,
And if the girl also doesn't end up liking you it's gonna be more easy to get out of this mess."

He said as he grab my hand drawing circles on top of my hand in soothing way while he lean his back against the desk, staring up at my eyes.

"But what if she end up liking me, like I am super handsome to resist."

I said making the boy in front of me to look at me with a weird out expression for a split second.

"Well whatever you say. But leave it to me about making her not agree to this wedding."

He said slightly smirking making me grow more confused.

"How are you gonna do that?"

"Well wait and see."

I shook my head as I pull him to get off the office so we could leave to home.

It was pretty late and most of the employees were gone so the space around us was empty.

I click on the button of the elevator.

𝑊ℎ𝑒𝑛 𝑙𝑜𝑣𝑒 𝑙𝑎𝑠𝑡𝑠; 𝑀𝑖𝑛𝑠𝑢𝑛𝑔.Where stories live. Discover now