135 10 5

This chapter contains hyunlix if you don't ship them you can skip.

Song recommendation: Dusk Till Dawn by Zayn and Sia.

No one's pov.

The same day when hyunjin went to minho's house.

The boy was driving back home, His eyes swollen from all the crying, His mind still thinking about jisung.

As he was thinking about it all he suddenly
Realised he heard about the Felix guy before. They were childhood friends or something, he remember Jisung telling him that the guy was his neighbour but he moved out when he was in middle school to Australia.

Hyunjin felt like the guy was more of a better friend, he was the one who actually was there for Jisung unlike himself.

Minho told him that jisung forgives him and all but at a point he could not believe the older thinking maybe he was saying that to make him feel better. The guilt inside his heart was never gonna disappear it felt like it would be there for forever.

Soon he stop his car because of not being able to focus on driving he didn't wanted to crash on to something, as he park the car to the side of the road.

Leaning his head back on to the seat the long hair male closed his eyes, A heavy sigh leaving his mouth.

After some moments his eyes fell on the small building on the other side of the road. It was a cafe it had a soft vibe to it cause of the pastel blue coloured building and the flowers.

He thought to grab a drink or something to cool himself off as he got off his car, crossing the road to the cafe.

Hyunjin push the glass door open and as he did the bell on top of the door rang indicating a customer has arrived.

Not knowing about the loose lace of his shoe he walk further to order his drink.

"Oh I forgot to get my wallet from the car, I am sorry I will be back within a minute."

A deep voice of a male rung through hyunjin's ear as he look to the direction of the boy.

He felt some type of feeling rushing through him as his eyes land on the boy, Everything felt like it was put in slow motion.

Hyunjin found the guy so unreal. His eyes scan over the pretty features of the boy, doe eyes, the freckled cheeks, plumb and red lips and the blond soft hair of his. He looked like an angel.

Being lost in the beauty of the boy he felt himself having no control over his body so soon he step on his own shoe lace.

He let out a scream as he fell forward, closing his eyes tightly he wait for the hard floor to hit his body but rather than the floor he felt like he fell in to someone's warm embrace.

Hyunjin's one leg was up at the air and the other on the ground supporting him to stand up, his chin on top of the strangers shoulder and the warm hands of the stranger on his waist preventing hyunjin from falling.

Being this close to the person he could smell the scent of the person.

With wide eyes he quickly put his leg down, pulling himself away he looked at the person's face to reveal it to be no one other than the guy who he was checking out earlier.

The boy's eyes were widen, same as hyunjin's. His small hands was still on hyunjin's waist.


The guy whispered with his deep voice. Hyunjin felt surprised as he heard his name coming out of his mouth.

"How do you know me?"

𝑊ℎ𝑒𝑛 𝑙𝑜𝑣𝑒 𝑙𝑎𝑠𝑡𝑠; 𝑀𝑖𝑛𝑠𝑢𝑛𝑔.Where stories live. Discover now