117 10 17

Song recommendatation: Welcome and goodbye by dream, Ivory.

Warning: !mention of suicide!

As jisung finished telling him what happened the movie was also over now both of them sitting there next to eachother leaning against the couch.

Minho didn't know what to say. He felt anger build up inside himself hearing what his mother told Jisung he felt furious thinking how she hurt him.
Jisung could see it and regret telling him this all, He was making him hate his mother more, doing the opposite on what he actually wanted to do.

"Why would you do that after knowing how stubborn she is?"

Minho asked his voice was calm but his eyes was saying otherwise. Jisung sighed as he spoke.

"I just wanted to solve it all..."

Jisung respond in a low voice.

"When I saw you crying cause of losing them I could not help it, cause I knew exactly how it felt. I didn't wanted you to lose your family like I did."

Minho looked at him as his eyes soften.

"It's true that I cried but I never wanted you to go to them and lower yourself down like that...Cause it was not my fault or your's, It was theirs. They were the one who threw me away just cause I loved a guy."

Minho intertwined his hands with jisung as he hold it tight. Jisung stare up at his eyes so did minho... after a few minutes of silence jisung sighed speaking.

"Well that was all the past, now in the present everything is going pretty fine,isn't it?.." 

Jisung said as he avert his gaze, looking down at the floor. Minho notice something in jisung's eyes it felt like he was hiding something...The whole day the boy was like this and he thought it was really because of the T-shirt but not anymore,he could feel that there was something more which he was hiding.

The older male mouth opened slightly as he was about to say something but was cut off when the younger spoke.

"Can we go out for a walk?"

The boy ask with his voice low. Minho nodded kind of surprised that he was no more getting anxious about getting caught but he didn't question it feeling like it wasn't the right time.

The both boy got up from the couch cleaning the mess they made in the living room. Minho was still noticing how the boy's aura was all different. After the quick cleaning both male got outside closing the door behind.

It had rained a while ago leaving the ground all wet and some puddles there and here, The air was chilly making minho shiver at it while jisung didn't even flinch.

Jisung and minho was now walking down the city which was pretty empty as it was
12 am.

Both of them were having random conversation, Minho cracking up some jokes trying to make the latter's mood better. Jisung laughed at the jokes but the laugh didn't felt like it was his own, It looked like it was pressured out.

Soon they were standing at a bridge minho and jisung leaning against the rail of the bridge as the cold air hit them.

As they stood there minho felt the memories coming back, Those memories weren't very pleasant but just awful. The cat eyed man's eyes fell on the same spot where he was standing last time, He was in a state so different from how he is now. He remember how hard it was even to breath.

Without himself knowing words slipped out of his mouth as his gaze was fixed on the side of the bridge.

"I am now glad felix was there.."

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