130 11 15

Song recommendation: Dark Red slowed version by cassanova.
Original artist: Steve Lacy.

The same day.

No one's pov.

Right at the moment both minho and jisung were inside the car, They have reached busan by plane taking almost 1 to 2 hour to reach here.

Jisung was tired as he was found sleeping, his head tilted to the side resting on his boyfriend's shoulder. Minho was looking outside at the night city as he let his younger boyfriend to sleep on his shoulder as they get to the resort.

Soon enough the diver stop the car showing that they have reached the resort.

Minho quietly pat the boy's head to wake him up not wanting to catch the driver's attention. Jisung jolt wake up,He looked around confused soon he realised they have reached.

The both boys walk to the reception and as soon as the girl in her suit saw minho she quickly handed him the keycard.

"Good evening sir."

She greeted her boss as she handed the key to their room. Minho took the keycard as he nodded and smiled at the girl, Jisung was looking around the fancy building but then Suddenly he flinched when he felt minho holding his hand he looked at him to see him already walking away with jisung.

The resort were pretty much empty because of it not being a vacation season.
The both boys went in to the empty elevator which took them to the top floor.

"This resort is really big."

Jisung said somewhat fascinated minho just chuckled at the younger as he never let go off the smaller boyfriend's hand.

Minho scan the card and then when he heard the ring sound indicating the door is unlocked, he turn the Handel getting in with jisung following him behind. Jisung close the door behind as he look around the big ass room.

The ceiling of the room was very high, Bright lights around. A king size bed facing the glass panels to the balcony which was showing the beach as it was a beach resort but because of the cold weather at the moment not much people went to the beach.

He turn to the side to see like a small living room like space filled with a big t.v and couches then a small table in middle of it.
And then the bathroom with a bath tub and shower, The area of the bathtub had a big glass window but it was tinted as people from outside couldn't see them.

It was really a beautiful room.

Jisung slide open the glass panel and as he did the cold air was brushing against him, he walk over to the rail of the balcony putting his elbow over it as he watch the night view of the beach. Then he felt the presense beside him he didn't looked over already knowing it's non other than minho.

"You like it here?"

Minho asked softly making jisung face him with a bright smile as he nodded his head.

"It's really beautiful here!"

Jisung said and minho chuckled at him and soon his eyes fell on the pouty lips of the boy, Jisung noticed it, already knowing what's gonna happened next.

Minho lean in closing the gap between them as he shared a soft kiss with jisung, both of the smile through the kiss soon pulling away.

"Now go take a bath you stink!"

Jisung said suddenly breaking the romantic aura around them.

"Yah! Why are you always ruining the moment?"

𝑊ℎ𝑒𝑛 𝑙𝑜𝑣𝑒 𝑙𝑎𝑠𝑡𝑠; 𝑀𝑖𝑛𝑠𝑢𝑛𝑔.Where stories live. Discover now