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First of all this fanart is so fucking beautiful.

Song recommendation: As the world caves in by Matt Maltese.

Jisung pov.

It was silent as we sat on the bed, me telling him the story behind how I got here.

Slowely I lift my eyes to his face continue speaking.

"The rules were to--

But before I could finish my words he suddenly placed his lips on mine. My eyes widen as he started kissing me....soon my eye lids were closing as I focus on the soft lips on top of mine. I placed my cold hand on his side face, I felt him flinch at the coldness but didn't break the kiss.

It was a kiss I didn't thought I could experience again and I am sure neither did he thought.

Soon enough I felt the hot liquid running down his cheek. I broke the kiss as he break down in to a crying mess. My eyes widen as it also got watery at seeing him cry.

I quickly embrace him, he wrap his arms around me as he cried on my shoulder. I slowely placed my hand on top of his head caressing it as he cried hugging me tightly.

"Please don't leave me again.."

He said and I didn't knew what to respond. The words I wanted to spit out was stuck in my throat as I look down at the emotional lover of mine.

A smile started forming up on my lips as I kissed the top of his head, hugging him close to me.

He pulled away after calming himself down, wiping his tears off. It was silent until he spoke again..

"Your body is really cold.."

"Well yes it is...but your's is very warm."

"Wasn't this the opposite?"

He asked as he chuckled softly I smiled as I replied.

"I think it's time for us to switch those titles."

My eyes met his beautiful one's as we stare at eachother. Without ourselves knowing our head move close to eachother, his lips ghosting over mine.

"I missed you..."

He said and pressed his lips on mine once again...his hands move to the back of my neck pulling me closer in to the kiss.

He yawned making me relise it was late and it was time for him to sleep.

"You should sleep it's late."

I said as I got up from the bed standing on my feet. I noticed his confused expression as he asked.

"Where are you going?"

I blinked as I responded simply.

"To the couch, to sleep."

He furrowed his eyebrows at that.

"Why are you sleeping at the couch when you can sleep with me."

Suddenly a blush crept up my cheeks and his eyes widen in realisation.

"I don't meant that type of sleep!"

He yelled out slightly blushing as I laughed.

"But if you want..."

He grab me closer to the edge of the bed where he sat making me stand between his legs as he wrap his legs around my lower legs moving closer to me as I stood there with wide eyes. He pull my head down by the coller as he lean in and whispered in to my right ear.

"...We can do that too~"

He finished his sentence making me go all red. I slap the back of his head as he whince in pain.

"Shut the fuck up!"

"Ah ah I will! Only if you cuddle with me here."

He said as he look up at me now wrapping his arms around my tiny waist. I let out a sigh as I spoke.

"I will be too cold for you too cuddle like it's already very cold in here.."

I said and he replied.

"Don't worry, I know what to do about that!"

Few minutes later.

And here I am laying beside him wrapped up in a thick blanket
Like a burrito as he hug me tightly.

"The fuck is this!?"

I questioned as I lay there like that not really being able to move.

"What? It's a genius idea! like this you won't get cold and I won't feel the coldness of your body."

"It's actually kind of stupid."

"Nah you just feel like that cause you are stupid."

"You are still that bitch aren't you?"

"And you are still that stupid squirrel."

"Call me stupid one more time and I will kill you and make you end up like me."

I felt his expression changing at that as it went silent my eyebrows furrowed in confusion but then he let out a small chuckle saying.

"That would be cool, I could be the same as you again. we won't even need to use this technique anymore if that happend..cause both of our body will be cold."

"Yeah yeah now shut up and sleep."

It was silent for a moment until me myself speak again.

"I feel like a baby wrapped up in a blanket like this."

I heard Minho hyung chuckle at that as he spoke.

"Well you are a baby, my baby."

He said in a baby voice pecking my lips, I chuckled.

"But you are the one who is speaking in a baby voice tho."

"Then I am a baby too!"

I laughed as I move closer to his chest. He wrap his arm around me, My lips were pulled in to a big smile as I lay there in his arm with my eyes closed.

I am glad that I could come back and be in your arms once again...

To be continued~

A short chapter!

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