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Song recommendation: Everything I wanted by Billie Eilish.

Next day.

Minho's pov.

I flutter open my eyes to see myself laying on my bed, everything felt normel until the things happend yesturday flash through my mind.

I quickly sat up only to groan in pain, my head was hurting like hell I grab on to my head as I squeeze my eyes shut. I sat like that for a while until the pain was slowely decreasing, when I felt it fading away I open my eyes my hands still grasped on to my head.

Was this all a dream? I thought as I look around the empty room. But that's when I noticed my bandaged arm... The upper part of my arm was wrapped up with a white bandage, The blood was bleeding through it. My eyes widen as the sudden flashback of me falling on to the glass pieces run through my mind.

I quickly got up from my bed running downstairs to the kitchen my eyes widen seeing the shattered glass pieces from yesturday laying on the floor some of it was coverd in blood and I knew it was mine.

What is going on!? It wasn't a dream... It definitely wasn't.


I shutterd out his name.

Is he back?

I thought as tears filled my eyes as I remember his face from yesterday... The pale skin of his, his soft brown hair, and the flashing violet eyes.

Time skips, at the company.

I was now sitting at my work space. Staring at the screen of my laptop lost in thoughts... After finding out it wasn't a dream I was in search for him, yelling out his name and all but he didn't show up making me think if I was hallucinating it all... but then who bandaged me? Who bring me back to my room?

Suddenly my thoughts were cut off by a knock on the door. I flinch as I move my gaze to the closed door, taking a deep breath in I spoke.

"Come in."

The door opened revealing hyunjin. He wasn't smiling like always. he looked tired, his eyes were red... It looked like he was crying.

"Sir, Your mom and dad is here, they are waiting for you at the waiting room."

He spoke in a low voice. My eyebrows furrowed at that, why are they here? I thought to myself. I look back at the drained out figure of hyunjin, I felt worried as I ask.

"Are you okay Hwang?"

He just nod his head and smiled tirdly.

"Hey if you are not feeling good you can go home..."

I said softly but he shook his head.

"No I am fine sir. Thank you for the concern."

I stare at him for a moment and nod my head as I spoke.

"I will go meet them, you can leave."

He nodded and bow lightly, walking away. What happened to him?

But that's when I relise my parents were here to talk to me and I don't really feel very good about it.

I walk to the waiting room, I hesitate to open the door as I stood infront of the waiting room with my hand in the air, almost touching the handel. I let out a sigh as I bring myself to grab it and open the door.

I walk inside not even glancing at them. I walk straight to the other couch and sat on it.

"What is it ?"

𝑊ℎ𝑒𝑛 𝑙𝑜𝑣𝑒 𝑙𝑎𝑠𝑡𝑠; 𝑀𝑖𝑛𝑠𝑢𝑛𝑔.Where stories live. Discover now