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Song recommendation: I can't handle change by Roar.

minho's pov.

I woke up again at a dark room for some reason this time I didn't had any nightmares but that's when I relise he was back...I almost forgot about everything that happened yesterday.

I quickly whip my head to his direction only to have my eyes widen. There was no one beside me...

I quickly got of my bed almost falling on my face. I called out his name, at first I got no response but when I did it again more loudly I heard the fimilar voice making me sigh in relif.

I walk downstairs but this time rather than seeing an empty living room I saw him, sitting there on the couch while reading some random magazine from the small table infront of him. He notice my presence as he move his crystal like eyes to see me.

"Why didn't you wake me up?"

He put the magazine down as he respond while I walk closer to him.

"I woke up pretty early today cause I could not sleep and I saw today was Sunday so thought to give you some rest."

He said as he smiled softly.

I plop myself on the couch as I quickly pull him to my embrace only to feel how cold his body was but I ignore it as I hug him tightly.

"Oh h-hyung I-it's t-too ti-tight."

He said as he sturggled to get out of my strong grip. I let out a chuckle as I leave him, he sighed as he spoke.

"Damn you got stronger!"

He said making me just let out an laugh. He rest his head on my chest it was silence for a while me playing with his finger, running my thumb over his each fingers while he watch me do it.

Suddenly he look up at me tip of our noses touching eachother, we stare at eachother's eyes as we stayed quite, listening to the rain happening outside..

I observed how pretty his eyes were, The violet eyes of his shinned so bright as he stare up at mine..I could stare at them for my whole life.

Soft breath left my mouth as we sit in the same position but suddenly he spoke breaking the silence.

"Your breath stinks!"

He said as he pinch his nose with a fake disgusted face. I rolled my eyes as I spoke.

"You really had to ruin the moment like that?"

I asked as he giggled showing of his pretty smile. I lean down and pressed a small kiss on his forehead, lovingly.

Time skips.

"Jeez you still suck at tidiying up the place!"

Jisung said as he look around the messy bedroom actually the whole house was a mess but who gived a fuck? Maybe jisung did.

"It was just me here so I felt like there is no need of cleaning up."

I said with a bored voice as I sat down on the bed.

"Even if you are living alone you need to clean up like who can live in a house like this? How do you even find shits you need from this mess."

I lay myself down on the bed as I replied.

"Actually it's very easy to find things from this mess for me."

I said and I heard him sigh suddenly I felt his cold soft hands grabbing mine trying to pull me up from the bed.

𝑊ℎ𝑒𝑛 𝑙𝑜𝑣𝑒 𝑙𝑎𝑠𝑡𝑠; 𝑀𝑖𝑛𝑠𝑢𝑛𝑔.Where stories live. Discover now