How The Parents Reacted

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"I can't do this. Let's just not tell them." Brad said, pacing back and forth down the hallway. Looking at him made me even more nervous and scared than I already am.

"You're making me nervous. Stop moving!" I said, grabbing onto his wrist. He narrowed his eyes at me and pulled his wrist away from my grip. "We can do this. We have to do this."

"No we don't. They are going to hate us and kick us out on the street and I'm too good looking to live on the streets."

I rolled my eyes and sighed at Brad for being dramatic. Okay yes maybe they will yell at us about our relationship together. But I doubt they'll kick us to the streets.

"Hey guys! Did you tell them yet?" Ian loudly said, walking towards us. Brad ran over to him and clamped his hand over his mouth.

"Shut up. You're too loud." Brad muttered, pushing Ian to the side and crossing his arms over his chest. "I can't do this. I feel like I'm going to throw up."

"And to think I thought Kali would be the one freaking out." Ian said, chuckling as he made his way over to me. He put his arm around my shoulders, pulling me in closer towards him. "You both could make this easier on yourselves."

"How?" Brad asked.

"Kali could just date me and then there wouldn't be a problem. I mean it would make more sense for her to date her friend instead of her stepbrother." Ian said. Brad walked over to us and grabbed onto Ian's shirt, pushing him away from me. He then moved over towards me and wrapped his arm around my shoulder while giving Ian a dirty look.

"I really don't like you.. Wait who even let you in the house?" Brad asked.

"The door was open so I let myself in."

"The door was open and so you thought it was okay to just come in?"

"Of course!"

Brad groaned, moving his hand from around me and rubbing his temples in a circular motion. "We need to pick another day to tell them."

"Tell who what?" A new voice now joined our conversation. I turned to see Carter and Luke. Ian immediately pushed me out of the way and pretty much tackled Carter down and gave him a hug.

"Carter!" Ian shouted. "I've missed you."

Carter laughed, removing Ian from himself. "I just saw you yesterday."

"I know but it felt like five thousand years!" Ian dramatically said. "Never leave my side again."

"I'm so team Cian." I said, smiling.

"Cian?" Luke asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Carter and Ian's couple name. I just made it up. Sounds pretty good, huh?"

Luke laughed. "Yeah it actually does."

"We aren't like that!" Carter said.

"Stop denying our love!" Ian said, trying not to laugh. I watched as the two started play fighting each other and arguing about how annoying the other is.

"Well I have to go. I'll talk to you guys later." Luke said as he walked towards the stairs.

"Where are you going?" Brad asked.

"None of your business." Luke replied.

"A date?" I questioned.

Luke smirked. "Now you know you're the only one for me Kali." I don't know but that for some reason made my heart beat faster. It was strange. Never has Luke ever done that to me before.

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