Chapter 15

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"Oh hi honey! Did you have fun over at your friends?" Mom said.

"Yes I did." I giggled.

"That's good. We are getting ready to go so you and the boys go get the others." Mom said.

"Okay." I said. Trying not to make eye contact. Hunter walked off. What happened to 'we will help you' ?

"Are you okay?" Mom asked.


Brad put his arm around my shoulders. "We will go get the boys and meet you in the car." Brad said.

"Alright hurry up because it's late and you all have to go to school tomorrow." Mom said.

"We will hurry." Brad said. We walked down the hallway and into a room where the boys were just sitting around talking. I buried my face into Brad's side. "What are you doing?" He asked.

"Hiding my eyes." My voice came out muffled.

"You're what?" He asked. I took my face out of his side and looked up at him.

"Hiding my eyes." I repeated.

"You don't have to hide your eyes. We've all been high before." He said.

"Really? You all smoke?"

"Not really."


We walked into the room. The boys eyes went straight to us.

"Oh hey Kali you're back." Hayden smiled. I tried to smile back but I probably looked so dumb. My mind was off to a whole other place. My eyes feel so heavy. It's hard to keep them open and I was also getting really tired which didn't help the fact that my eyes already felt heavy.

I need some sleep. What time is it? Well apparently time for bed...

"What the hell is she high?" Carter looked at me and then at Brad.

"She definitly is." Luke said.

"Yeah I really am so like can someone show me the bathroom before we go home and I am starving." I said.

"Yeah come on." Brad grabbed onto my hand. "Okay guys Kate and dad are waiting for us to go out to the car. Hunter and Hayden I guess you guys are coming with us since your dad had to leave. We will meet you guys in the car." Brad pulled me along with him. He showed me the bathroom and told me to hurry.

I did my business and then washed my hands. I looked at myself in the mirror. My eyes were so blood shot. Shit if my mom sees me like this. She will seriously ground me for the rest of my life. I gulped and open the door.

"Please don't let my mom see me like this. She will literally kill me and damn I am starving! I want more of your grandmas cookies." I said to Brad.

"I won't and okay we can get some just come on." He grabbed onto my hand and we made are way into the kitchen he gave me two cookies and then we walked into the living room. We both told his grandma bye and then walked out of her house. I ate the last of my second cookie. Damn...I didn't know I was so hungry but I heard that's what happens when you're high you get the munchies.

We walked up to the car and I swallowed hard. Brad opened the car door and I saw that Hayden, Carter and Hunter were in the back seats and Noah was in his car seat sleeping. Luke was in the middle and there was only one more seat left. Brad hopped in and sat down.

"Sorry Kali theres not enough space so you will have to sit on someones lap or try to squeeze in. If that's okay?" John asked. I kept my head down so no one could see my eyes.


"Come here." Brad grabbed onto the sides of my stomach and helped me in. I sat on his lap. He buckled us both in and then closed the door. Mom started to turn around. I quickly looked out the window.

"You two good? All buckled up?" Mom asked.

"Yeah we're good." Brad said.

The car started and the lights went off in the car. John turned up the volume on the radio. I started to get sleepy. I turned my head around so I was facing Brad. "Do you mind if I pretty much sleep on you?" I asked.

"No I don't. Go ahead." He said. I moved away from the window. My back was now facing Luke and Noah. I rested my head onto Brad's shoulder and moved my legs up onto his lap. I curled up into a ball. I could feel his arms wrap around me. If I wasn't high right now. I would not being doing this. I don't have the balls to just curl up onto his lap. We are pretty much cuddling. I mean I don't mind though.

I finally closed my eyes and drifted off to sleep.


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