Chapter 11

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I woke up to someone poking my face. I groaned and pushed them away. They now were poking me in my side. I slapped their hands away. I could hear them laugh. I was now being tickled. I turned over to see Carter, Luke and Hayden. They stopped once they saw me starring at them with so much anger.

"What the hell?" I asked. I turned back around. "Go away."

"Kali get up. You are coming with Luke, Hayden and I." Carter said.

"Where are we going?" I mumbled.

"Out for breakfast."

"What about the others?" I asked.

"Brad and Hunter left to go to some friends house and John and Kate left with Russel, Hayden, Hunter and Haliey's dad."

"Okay just give me five minutes." I waved them off but that didn't seem to work because I was now being carried by Carter. "Put me down!" I ordered but of course he didn't listen. He just looked at me and smiled then shook his head no. I sighed in frustration.

"I have to get ready." I said.

"No you don't. You look fine."

"No I do not. I probably look like someone who got lost in the jungle for a couple of days."

"I hate to break it to you but if someone got lost in the jungle it would take them a lot more than a couple of days to get out."

I rolled my eyes. "You know what I mean."

"Do I?" He looked at me.

"Yes you do."

"I'm pretty sure I don't."

"Stop it. Yes you do."

"No I don't."

"I hate you."

"No you don't." He smirked.

I sighed. "Can you at least put me down so I can go use the restroom?"

"I guess." He put me down. We were already in the living room so I had to go back into the hallway and find the bathroom. Once I found it. I did my business and then washed my hands and after that I fixed my hair and makeup that was still on from yesterday.

I searched through cabinets trying to look for deodorant or something but I couldn't find anything. I then put some toothpaste on my finger and started brushing my teeth. Yeah it might be gross but hey you gotta do what you gotta do. Right? I mean would you want disgusting morning breath while you're going out to eat with cute guys and maybe even more cute guys wherever we are going to eat. Yeah I didn't think so.

After I brushed my teeth. I drunk some water and then headed back to Haliey's room. I went into her bathroom and looked around for her deodorant. Luckily I found some. I put it on and I also found some perfume. I sprayed it on myself and my goodness this perfume smelled great. I'm going to have to buy it someday.

I feel bad for using her stuff but I will make it up to her. I don't really think she would mind me using it though. I walked into her room.

I need shoes but I only brought my black flats. Darn. I wonder if Haliey has some shoes I can borrow?

I pulled out my phone and texted Haliey.

Me: Hey can I pretty please borrow some of your shoes and socks?

Haliey: Of course. You can also use some of my makeup if you need any of it or my deodorant or hair products. I heard you stayed over.

Me: Yeah I did and I brought nothing with me. Dumb on my part but I didn't know we were staying. Now I'm going out for breakfast.

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