Chapter 54

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This will be in Carter's POV btw. Don't worry it will change back to Kali's POV in the next updates.

Carter's POV:

Brad and I rushed into the hospital and to Kali's room. The door was slightly open. I walked in first. Brad followed behind me. We walked over to Kali's bed. She was sitting up in her bed.

"Hey." I smiled.

"Hey." Her voice was quiet.

"How are you feeling?" Brad asked.

"Horrible, how long was I out?" She rubbed her eyes and patted a spot for one of us to sit on. I walked over to her and sat down at the end of her hospital bed while Brad sat beside us in the chair.

"For two months." Brad sighed.

"Oh my gosh what!? Two months!?" Kali panicked.

"Brad what the hell?" I glared at him.

He chuckled. "I'm just kidding. It's only been a day."

Kali let out a long breath and pushed her hair out of her face. "Wow I hate you." She gave Brad a dirty look.

"I'm sorry I just had to do it." Brad sheepishly smiled.

"Not cool bro." I shook my head.

"You two have to admit that was funny."

"Okay it was a little." I admitted. Kali gave me a little push. I looked over at her. Her face looked just like Brad's but worse. She had more bruises on her face than Brad. "I'm glad you're okay." I put my hand onto her thigh and smiled.

"Yeah me too." She sighed. "Have you two been here all night?" Brad and I both nodded. "You two do know you could of went home."

"We couldn't leave you." I said. She smiled and wrapped her arms around me. She winced a few times but still kept hugging me. I gently pulled her closer to me and wrapped my arms around her. I love having her in my arms and beside me. She always gave me this warm feeling inside.

The door flew open scaring the living shit out of us. Kali pulled away from me. I couldn't help but frown. In came Luke with flowers and balloons in both of his hands. "Nobody bothered to come get me over at my friends house!?" Luke walked over to Kali and hugged her. He even kissed her cheek. "I made my friend stop so I could give you these." He gave her the flowers which were red roses. Then he tied the balloon strings to her bed. On some of the balloons it said 'get well soon' and the other ones were plain and didn't say anything on them.

"Aw thank you so much Luke. That's so sweet of you." Kali smiled.

"You're welcome. I'm just glad you're okay." Luke said. Kali looked down at the roses and smelled them. Us three boys just stared at her. Probably making her feel uncomfortable. But we couldn't help it. She's so beautiful. All I want to do is cuddle up next to her and kiss her and tell her how much she means to me but I couldn't because more and more people started to come into the room.

"Oh my baby!" Kali's mom ran towards her and hugged her. She started crying and telling her how much she loves Kali. Then my dad hugged Kali. After that Shawn and Noah came in hugging her too. I could tell Kali was getting overwhelmed by all of us in here. I guess I should give her some space. I went to get up but someone's hand grabbed onto mine giving me a tight squeeze. It was Kali's hand. She mouthed the word 'stay'. Of course I stayed with her.

"I'm sorry guys but can I have some time alone?" Kali asked.

"Yeah I should probably get back home and get Noah changed and feed him. I will see you soon Kali." My dad waved goodbye. Noah followed my dad and so did Shawn and Luke.

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