Chapter 8

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Btw there is a fight scene in this one! Just warning you. It's not that violent though.

Sorry if you don't like violence.

Anyways enjoy!

Guys get up!"

"Brad get up!"

"Kali get up!"

"Luke get up!"

I slowly opened up eyes. I saw Shawn standing over Luke shaking him so he would get up.

"What time is it?" I mumbled.

"What?" Shawn looked over at me.

"What time is it?" I said.

"Time for you three to get your asses to school. You're going to be late!" Shawn said.

"Oh shit." A deep tired voice said. I looked down to see Brad. I could feel his legs tangled up with mine. I quickly untangled them. "Were you just playing footsie with me?" Brad asked. His voice was deep and still tired sounding but very attractive.

"No." I quickly said.

"Sure." His voice made him sound like he didn't believe me. He threw the blankets off of himself and I. He got up and had bed hair and was only wearing his boxers. He stretched and you could see all his nice looking muscles and his gorgeous abs. I mentally was screaming.

"Seriously Brad why don't you have any clothes on? There is a girl in the house."

"So? By the way she is starring I don't think she minds." He looked at me and smirked. I could feel me blushing. "And it got hot and I don't like sleeping with my clothes on. Only my boxers." He winked at me. I rolled my eyes and walked to my room to get ready for school.


"Has your dad called you back?" I asked Luke.

"No. Has your mom called you back?" He asked.

"No. What about Shawn? Call him." I said.

"I already did and he said he's at Sarah's."

"Great so we are stuck at school."

"We will have to wait until Brad and Carter gets done with practice."

"Damn." I sighed.

We walked around the school and ended up by the boys locker room. All the football players started walking out of the locker room. Some of them starred at me. Some didn't even notice me and some said some gross things.

"Oh hey Kali." A boy said. He looks familiar...

"Hey..." I awkwardly said as I was trying very hard to remember who he is.

"It's Connor. We met when you first came here." He said.


"Yeah so what are you doing over here?" He asked.

"Uh I don't know. Just walking around waiting for my ride."

"You should come watch me at practice while you're waiting around." He smiled.

"She would rather die than watch you. Fuck off Connor." Luke hissed.

I would? Okay then...

"Oh Luke it's always nice to see you." Connor said with a hint of sarcasm.

"You aren't going to get in Kali's pants so just walk away." Luke said.

"Who said I wanted to get in her pants?" Connor got up closer to Luke.

Wow this is really awkward.

"I know you and I know your little games. I'm not going to let you hurt Kali like you hurt Haliey." Luke said.

"I didn't hurt Haliey." Connor said.

"Yes you did." Luke nodded.

"Haliey tells lies. That's all she does." Connor rubbed his cheek and his face became pissed off looking. "I'm sorry that you have to hear this Kali but don't listen to them. Haliey tells lies and so does her cousins." Connor looked over at me.

"No we don't. You do." Luke hissed.

"Hey Connor you should leave them alone and get to the field." Carter came walking up to us. He got in the middle of Luke and Connor.

"Tell your brother to stop making up lies just to make me look bad in front of Kali." Connor groaned.

"Just go to practice." Carter said.

"Whatever." Connor mumbled and jogged away.

"So I'm guessing that's Haliey's ex?" I questioned.

"Yeah it is and you should stay away from him. He isn't a good guy and what are you two doing here?" Carter turned around to face us.

"We don't have a ride so we have to wait for you and Brad." Luke said.

"Call Hunter have him pick you up." Carter said.

"I already tried. He said he cant." Luke sighed.

"Okay well just come watch us at practice then. Coach wont mind." Carter walked away and we followed him.

The coach made me and Luke sit on the bench closer to the football players and him. He kept talking to us. He was actually very friendly.

Finally practice was over and Carter came running up to us. He put his arm around me and I quickly moved away from him and crinkled my nose in disgust.

"What?" He asked.

"You're all sweaty and smelly." I said.

He chuckled and pulled me into him. He wrapped his arms around me and burried his face into my neck rubbing his sweaty face into my neck.

"Oh my god Carter stop! Ew ew ew!" I tried pulling away but he was too strong. "Carter I will seriously vomit all over you!" I warned. He quickly pulled away and laughed. I let out a sigh of relief. "Oh gross. Now I need a towel to wipe off your disgusting sweat." I made a gagging sound. Carter looked at me and just smirked. I glared at him.

"So where is Brad?" Luke asked Carter. Carter took his eyes off of me and looked over at Luke.

"I don't know? He didn't show up to practice but I saw him today after school. Maybe he ditched?" Carter said.

"I'll call him." Luke pulled out his phone and dialed Brad's number. "Hello Bra-are you okay?-where are you?-we are coming!" Luke hung up and put his phone in his pocket.

"What's going on?" Carter asked.

"James and his friends jumped Brad in the parking lot by Brad's car." Luke started running and so did Carter. I ran after them. They were pretty fast but I managed to catch up to them towards the end.

We got to Brad's car and Brad was sitting on the ground spitting out blood. His nose was bleeding and there was blood on his shirt. Three guys were holding him down while another guy was punching him. I cringed at the sight.

Carter dropped his football helmet and ran over towards them. Carter punched the black hair guy in the face who was punching Brad and then Carter and Luke pulled off two guys that were holding Brad down. Luke was fighting one guy while Carter was fighting another. Brad got up onto his feet and started fighting the other guy with blonde hair who was holding him down.

The guy with black hair was about to punch Brad and help his blonde friend out. I could tell Brad was struggling trying to get out of the blonde guys grip so that he could try to block the punch that the black hair guy was about to throw at him.

I quickly decided that I need to help Brad out. I grabbed Carter's football helmet that was by my feet. I ran over to the black hair guy and swung Carter's football helmet as hard as I could. I hit him right in the face. He flew back onto his back.

All I could think was did I really do that!? That was awesome! It was seriously like out of the movies! Wow I wish someone got that on video!

The guy groaned and held his nose. Blood was pouring out of his nose like crazy.

He looked over at me in shock probably because a girl just beat his ass.

He struggled getting back up but when he did. He looked at me with so much anger and started walking over to me.

Oh shit..

Oh no a cliffhanger. I'm sorry I had to do it! Haha.☺️


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