Chapter 13

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I was now in the car with Hayden, Brad, Hunter and Russel also known as Hunter, Hayden and Haliey's dad.

We are on our way to their grandmas house. Their grandma is the mother of their dads. John and Russel.

"Why'd you make Kali come with us and not one of the other boys?" Hayden asked while we were in the car. I was in the backseat with Hunter and Brad. I got to sit in the middle of them both. Yay me..

"Her name just came out of my mouth first." Hayden's dad Russel said.

"Oh." Hayden said.

We have been driving for five minutes now and Brad wont stop poking me. I snapped my head in his direction. "I swear if you don't stop poking me. I will hurt you." I threaten. He smirked and poked me again in my side but this time harder. I reached up and grabbed his ear pulling him down towards my lap.

"Ow fuck!" He cried out. Hunter was laughing. Hayden turned around to see what was going on. He burst out laughing once he saw what I was doing. The car came to a stop and Russel also turned around to look at us. He started laughing too.

"She got you boy!" Russel laughed and got out of the car.

"Yeah she will fit perfectly with this family." Hayden smiled at me and got out of the car.

"Remind me to never mess with you again." Hunter said while getting out of the car.

"Ow let go!" Brad cried out. I let go and he started rubbing his ear. He glared at me and I flashed him a smile. I jumped out of the car and followed behind Hunter and Hayden.

We all stood at the door waiting for someone to open it. Brad finally stood with us.

"Hows your ear?" Hunter smirked at Brad. Brad pushed Hunter and Hunter chuckled.

The door opened realving a short elderly lady. She had short grey hair and light brown eyes. She had on a cute red, yellow and white flower dress on with white tights and red flats.

"Oh my goodness! I swear you all get taller and taller every time I see you." She smiled ear to ear. She gave them all a big hug and kiss on the cheek. They all went inside and now she faced me. "Oh and who is this beautiful young woman?" She smiled big.

"I'm Kali. John's girlfriends daughter. It is nice to meet you." I smiled. She pulled me into hug that I was not expecting but I hugged her back. We pulled apart.

"Hello Kali. It is wonderful to meet you. Please come inside. I hope you like chocolate chip cookies?"

"Yes mam. I love them!"

She laughed. "Well come inside. I have tons of chocolate chip cookies but you better grab some before the boys eat them all."

I walked inside and she followed behind me.

"The kitchen is right around the corner. That's where the boys should be at too."

"Oh okay. Thank you." I smiled.

"You're welcome sweetie. If those boys give you a hard time you have my word to beat them up." She laughed and so did I.

"Alright will do." I smiled and then made my way to the kitchen. I saw Hunter and Brad sitting at the table eating cookies and playing a card game. Hayden was sitting at the island counter eating a cookie and on his phone. I walked over to where the cookies were and grabbed two. I went and sat down next to Hayden. When he noticed I sat down he put his phone in his pocket and looked over at me.

"Hey." He shyly smiled.

"Hey." I smiled taking a bite out of my cookie.

"Good huh?"

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