Chapter 28

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We won the game last night! Which means we get to go to the lobby today! I'm so excited. I can't wait to be with my love! And by love I mean chocolate fountain.

That's it I'm dating a chocolate fountain! The chocolate fountain will never leave me or make me sad until it runs out of chocolate...but I can always fill it back up!

"Kali!" Lucy loudly yelled. She scared the living shit out of me that I got tangled up in the blankets and fell right off the bed. Hitting the floor with a loud thump. I groaned in pain.

"Oh shit! I'm so sorry Kali!" I heard Lucy say. She was now towering over me. I looked up at her and shot her a glare. She started laughing. She slapped a hand over her mouth. "I'm sorry that's not funny." She said as she kept laughing.

"I hate you." I muttered as I tried to untangle myself from the blankets.

"No you don't. You love me." She smiled.

"I have a love hate relationship with you."

She laughed. "Hurry your ass up and let's go to the lobby! Everyone is already there except for Luke and Ian. They waited for us."

"Well I would hurry if these blankets would just get off of me!" I raised my voice and started fighting the blankets. I was rolling back and forth trying to get out of this mess.

"Here let me help you." Lucy bent down and was now helping me get out of these blankets.

"We are here! Who's ready to dip their faces into the chocolate fountain!?" Ian shouted. My goodness that boy is so loud.

"Where are you guys?" Luke asked.

"Over here!" Lucy called out.

Ian and Luke were now standing behind Lucy.

"What the hell is going on?" Luke asked.

"Lucy scared me and I got tangled up in these blankets and then I fell off the bed." I said. My cheeks now probably turning a light pink from embarrassment.

They both chuckled.

"You look like a cute caterpillar!" Ian said. I shot him a dirty look.

"Damn these blankets are really wrapped around you." Lucy was struggling getting the blankets off of me finally Luke had to help while Ian started singing a song about a caterpillar.

Sometimes Ian worries me...

"Got it!" Lucy said. I was finally free! Free at last! Thank god because it was starting to get really hot with all of these blankets around me.

"Now you grew into a beautiful butterfly. They grow up so fast." Ian faked cried. He wiped away the fake tears from his eyes.

Luke, Lucy and I just looked at each other and gave each other a weird look and then shook are heads.

"You're so different." Luke said to Ian.

"Different?" Ian questioned.

"He means unique." I said.

Ian smiled. I smiled back.

"Alright I'm going to get changed in the bathroom and then we can go." I walked over to my bag and pulled out a two piece swim suit that was a light blue color. I also pulled out a t shirt and jean short shorts. I made my way to the bathroom and changed. Once I changed I combed out my hair. I put it in a high pony tail. I splashed water on my face and wiped my face with a small towel. I then brushed my teeth. After that I walked out of the bathroom. They were all sitting on the bed waiting for me. When they saw that I was out of the bathroom they jumped up to their feet and rushed out the door. I threw my dirty clothes by my bed and followed behind them.

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