Chapter 52

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Finally it's here! The update is here! Haha *does a happy dance*

Sorry it took a while for me to update. I didn't like the first update I did for this so I took my time.

This update shouldn't be too violent. I think you all can handle it.

Oh I'm doing something different with this update. It's going to be in Kali's, Carter and Brad's POV.

Okay enjoy reading :)

Kali's POV:

"Kali get over here and hug your dad." He made his voice deep and scary sounding. I swallowed hard when he stepped closer. "Kali!" He shouted. I jumped back in fear. I grabbed my phone and dialed my moms number.

"Don't come anywhere near me!" I warned but of course he didn't listen. He was now walking towards me.

"Put the phone down Kali."

I turned around and started running. I put my phone up to my ear.

"Hello?" My mom answered.

"Mom help!" I looked at the street sign to see where I'm at. "Come to 1800 Harley street! Please hurry! Dad is-" I didn't get to finish what I was going to tell her because I got tackled to the ground and my phone went flying out of my hand. I scraped up my arms and my face too. I got flipped over onto my back. My dad looked down at me with an evil grin on his face. The one he always had on his face when he was about to hurt me.

Carter's POV:

Kali's mom was holding her phone crying and telling Brad something about Kali. I walked over to them being the noisy person I am and listened.

"Something happened to her! Oh god my baby." Her mom sobbed as she grabbed her car keys out of her purse.

Brad grabbed onto her shoulders and looked her in the eyes. "Where did you say she was at again?" Brad asked.

"1800 Harley street."

"I'll find her! I promise!" Brad pulled his keys out of his pocket and was about to run out the door until Anna blocked him. "Anna move!"

"But baby what about me?" She wined.

"I don't have time for this!" Brad groaned and pushed her out the way. He opened the door.

"I thought you cared about me Brad? Baby don't leave!" She begged.

"It's always been Kali, Anna. I'm sorry but I will always care for Kali more than you. She means more to me." Brad said before he ran out the front door. Anna was now crying and I didn't feel bad for her. She's a bitch, she deserved what Brad said to her. I passed Anna and followed Brad.

"I'm coming with." I said as I got into the passengers seat. He started the car and was driving like a crazy person. "What's going on?" I asked.

"Kali's in trouble."

"What kind of trouble?"

"Her dad found her."

"Her dad? She's never talked about him. How did he find her?"

"Carter I'm sorry I can't answer your questions right now just look for Kali." He kept glancing out the window and towards the road. I was afraid we would wreck but I put that aside and looked out my window trying to see if Kali is anywhere in sight. "There she is!" He stopped the car and didn't even pull out his keys. He jumped out of the car and ran over towards Kali. He tackled the man down on the ground. The man was twice his size and I knew Brad wouldn't last long with that guy.

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