Chapter 18

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"Hey guys I have to go. I need to get to class early because I have to talk to my teacher." I told all my friends who were sitting with me at the lunch table. They said their goodbyes and I said mine.

I walked out of the lunchroom and to my locker. Right as I turned the corner and was about to be at my locker. There was two boys fighting in front of my locker. I sighed in fustration. I really need to get to my locker. I guess I'm not going to class early today.

Wait a minute is that...

"Hey you two stop right now! Don't make me get the schools police officers down here!" A teacher yelled. She walked closer and the boys stopped. She grabbed onto the back of their shirts. "Hey you!" She shouted at me. I looked around and then pointed at myself. "Yes you! Get over here!" She yelled. I walked over to her. "You are coming too so get in front of me and walk so I can see you." She ordered.

"Wait what? What did I do?" I asked.

"You were part of it." She said.

"What? No I wasn't!?"

"Just shut your pretty little mouth of yours and get over here! You can explain everything to the principle." She hissed. I sighed. One of the boys chuckled and I knew who it was.

We made it to the office. That I should not be at. The teacher sat me and the boy I knew down on the bench outside the office. She told us to stay and that she will be right back. She took the other boy inside.

"You should have ran." Brad said.

"Well I didn't think about it."

"We should run right now."

I looked at him like he was crazy. "Run now? How? She's seen are faces and you just fought some kid who knows you. I don't feel like getting in more trouble."

"Their is so many kids faces she has seen. She wont remember us and we can just hide from her everytime we pass by her in the hallways and that kid doesn't know my name. He was just being an ass so we got into a little fight."

"You got into a fight with him just because he was being an ass?" I shook my head.

"Lets go. Lets run away. Come on." He looked at me.

"I don't know..."

"We are going." He grabbed onto my hand.

"But we still have two more classes left."

"Who cares. Have a little fun." He smirked.

"Fine but if we get in trouble I'm blaming you."

"Alright that's fine but lets go." He tighten his grip on my hand. "Okay one...two...three!" He whispered yelled. We both crouched down and ran pass the office windows. Once we made it pass all the windows we stood up and started running towards the doors that led outside.

"You're slow." He said.

"Okay well running is not a fave of mine." I hissed.

He chuckled. "Here I will give you a piggy back ride."

"I haven't had a piggy back ride in forever."

"Then get on."

I got onto his back and he started running. We made it out of the school building and now we were cutting through the parking lot.

"Aren't you tired yet?" I asked him.



"You are talking to a guy who plays football. I've done way worse than just carry someone on my back while running."

"Oh yeah that sucks. What position do you play?"


"Oh hot...I mean fun."

"Nice save." He chuckled. I hid my face into his shoulder because of embarrassment.

We finally made it to his car and he put me down. We both got into the car.

"Now what?" I asked.

"You remember how I told you that you would be amazed by my romantic side?" He smirked and then started the car.

"Um yeah?"

"Well you are about to be amazed by my romantic side."


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