Chapter 16

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"Hey can you come to Izzy's poem reading thing? It's like where we gather around and a few people read their poems to us. I really don't want to go but it's for Izzy so I must." Lucy leaned against the side of my locker holding two of her books. Izzy is another one of my friends.

"Oh um...yeah sure. Where and when?" I asked.

"I will message you the details."

"Okay well I better get to class. See you later."


"Hey thanks for coming with me to this poem read out loud thing." I smiled.

"No problem." Carter smiled. He grabbed my hand and spun me around then pulled me into him. He kissed my nose and I giggled. He smiled and wrapped both of his arms around me.

"Are we planning on staying out here all night or are we going to go inside?" I asked.

"It is getting cold out. I guess we should go inside but first..." He pulled me in closer to him and planted a kiss on my lips. He pulled away making are lips pull apart. "Come on lets go." He unwrapped his arms from around me and grabbed my hand pulling me along with him inside the coffee shop.

He dropped my hand once Lucy called out my name. We walked over to her and sat down.

"You both made it just in time. Izzy is up next." Lucy said.

"Oh okay good." I smiled. She handed me a cup of coffee and Carter one.

"I hope those are right. I read your message too fast because there was this really hot guy behind me and I felt the need to hurry." She said. I laughed.

"It's okay. I would of done the same thing." I said.

And now we have Izzy Hane ready to read her poem. The man who was talking into the microphone said. He walked off the little stage and now Izzy was walking up on the stage and to the microphone. Me and Lucy cheered like crazy. Izzy shot us a look. Lucy and I both laughed. Then we kept quite as she read her poem. When she finished we clapped for her. Izzy went off stage and went to talk to some other people.

"I'll be right back. I'm going to go get another coffee." Lucy stood up and left.

"Kali." Carter said. I turned and looked at him.


"Can we get out of here? I want to take you somewhere."


"It's a surprise." He smiled.

"I hate surprises...just tell me."

"No way."

"Please." I stuck out my bottom lip.

"You're so cute but I'm still not telling you." He smirked. I stuck my tongue out at him and he smiled.

"Lets go." He stood up and stuck his hand out for me to take which I did.

"Where you two going?" Lucy asked. Izzy was standing by her smiling as she looked down at me and Carter's hands.

I let go of Carter's hand and hugged Izzy. "You did great. I loved your poem. Yours was definitly the best." I pulled away from her.

"Thank you Kali." Izzy smiled.

"You're welcome." I smiled.

"Thanks for coming Carter. I hope it wasn't too boring for you." Izzy laughed.

"No it wasn't. You did amazing." Carter smiled. Izzy's cheeks were begining to turn pink. She shyly smiled at Carter.

"Thanks." She said.

"We have to get going but I will talk to you two soon." I said.

"Alright bye!" Lucy waved.

"Bye thanks for coming." Izzy also waved. I waved at them and Carter flashed them a smile while putting his hand on my lower back guiding me the way out of the coffee shop. When we made it out he took his hand off of my back and placed his hand in my hand.

When we got to his car he pulled me into him. He looked into my eyes and smirked. He leaned in to kiss me but right as I leaned in he ran to his side of the car.

"Hey!" I called out. He chuckled.

I walked to the passengers side and got in. I glared at him and he sheeplishy smiled. "That was payback from when you did that to me that night we were working on are English homework."

I rolled my eyes and he started the car.


Carter's surprise was me and him going to a pizza shop to make a pizza. It was actually really fun and delicious. Yes we did eat a lot of the toppings while we tried to make are pizzas. We ruined two pizzas because we kept messing up and we wouldn't stop throwing the pizza toppings at each other. We did kiss a couple times but just little pecks here and there. We finally made the perfect pizza. We had to wait until it was done cooking then we went and sat down at a cute little table by the window which had lights on it.

"Do you like it?"

"Yeah I love it. What about you?"

"I love it too." He smiled.

"Do you come here a lot?"

"I use to. Not really anymore." He said taking a bite out of his piece of pizza.

"Oh." I took a sip of my drink.

"If I asked you out to play mini golf with me someday. Would you say yes?" He asked. I shook my head no and he pouted. I stuck my tongue out at him and he leaned over the table and tried to kiss me but I quickly moved away from him. "You suck." He said sitting back in his seat.

"Do I really?" I asked.

"No not at all." He smiled. "Come on we better get home it's already ten o'clock."

"Oh wow it's already that late? Okay lets go." I stood up and so did he.

He tried to grab my hand as we walked out of the pizza shop but I moved my hand away from his. He looked at me and frowned. I giggled. He smiled and put his hands in his pockets. "I take it back. You do suck." He said.

"Hey!" I playfully hit his arm. He chuckled and put an arm around me. We walked to the car and then got in and headed home.

I want to say thank you for all the votes! It means a lot. I'm glad you all like this story. It makes me want to keep this story long! 😄

Since I don't have school tomorrow I might do another update tomorrow but only if you Vote/Fan/Comment💕

Oh and do any of my readers like Teen Wolf?? I'm watching it right now! I'm seriously in love with this show. Stiles is my favorite!😍

Okay I gotta go. Love you all! Bye!

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