Chapter 19

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Brad took me to a little fast food place that looked like something from a cute movie. This place only had a few people working and eating here. The walls were white with cute light pink stripes. The walls had a bunch of cute little pictures on them. The floors were white tiles. There was only booths and a big island table and behind it was where the chefs were cooking. There were waitresses walking around in pink dresses. They had their hair into buns with a white bow. They wore white shoes and for the waiters they had on black pants and a white buttoned up shirt with a pink tie. Their shoes were black and their hair was slicked back with gel.

This place reminded me of a cute little diner back in the old days.

"Bradley!" An elderly lady came up to us and pulled Brad into a hug. She pulled away. "I haven't seen you in almost a month. I was getting worried."

"Sorry been busy lately." Brad apologized.

"You should be. You better at least drop by for a couple minutes."

"I will." He said.

"Alright good so who do we have here?" She smiled at me.

"This is Kali. Kali this is my grandma Sue." Brad introduced us. We shook hands but then she pulled me into an unexpected hug.

"It is so lovely to meet you Kali." She pulled away.

"It's lovely to meet you too." I smiled.

"Bradley never brings friends here. You must be a special one." She winked at me.

"Oh my god grandma stop." Brad said. His cheeks were turning pink.

"Sorry didn't mean to make you blush sweet pea." She laughed. Brad put a hand on his forehead and shook his head in embarrassment. I laughed at how cute he looked. "Alright I will leave you two alone." She smiled and walked off.

"Aw is Bradley blushing?" I poked him in his sides a couple times until he grabbed my hands.

"You better stop or I will tickle you."

"Right here? In public? No you won't."

"Try me." He smirked.

"Fine I will stop."

"That's what I thought."

I stuck my tongue out at him. He smirked.

"Follow me." He said. He walked off and I followed behind him. He stopped which made me stop. He sat down and I joined him. I sat across from him. I looked to the side of me to see a couple of pictures and some of the pictures had little kids in them but only one picture really caught my eye. There was five little kids and wait a minute is that John? He looks so young. I looked over at Brad.

"Are those kids you and your brothers?" I asked. He nodded. I looked at the picture some more. I pointed to a little boy who was wearing a red hoodie and blue jeans. His hair was spiked up. He had a big smile on his face and had one arm around one of his brothers and his other arm around a golden retriever.

"Is that you?"


"You were so cute. What happened?"

"Hey I still am!"

I laughed. "Just kidding but cocky much?"

He smirked and just shrugged. "Maybe a little."

"Was that your dog?" I asked him pointing at the dog in the picture.

"Yeah his name was Lucky. He was the best dog anyone could ever have. He was pretty much my best friend." He smiled to himself probably thinking back when Lucky was around.

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