Chapter 29

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Surprise! Another update! Although this one isn't as long but hey it's still an update.

I was just so happy today because The Walking Dead is going to be on tonight! So I decided to make a little update!

I'm seriously on a roll this weekend like three updates in a row. Holy cow!

Anyways enjoy! ☺️

I was now swimming in chocolate. Yes I know how weird this sounds but seriously I'm swimming in chocolate and I couldn't be happier!

"I can't believe you two broke the chocolate fountain and now it's all over the floor." Lucy laughed.

"And they're swimming in it like a bunch of weirdos." Luke chuckled.

"I love chocolate!" Ian shouted as he was sliding around on his stomach in the chocolate.

I couldn't stop laughing. He looked like such an idiot but if he looks like an idiot than I definitely look like one because I'm doing the same thing he is.

That's one of the reasons why I love Ian. Love as in a friend way. He's literally one of the funniest and happiest guy I've ever meant. He never fails to make you smile or laugh.

"Join us!" I said.

"No thanks." Luke said.

"Yeah I'm going to have to pass on that. I don't feel like spending all night trying to get chocolate out of my hair." Lucy said.

"Party poopers!" Ian stuck his tongue out at them. "Oh my god we should go to the popcorn machine! Popcorn sounds so good right now!"

"It so does!" I agreed.

"But you two will track chocolate everywhere and then probably get us kicked out." Luke said.

"Do you see the mess we already caused? I'm pretty sure they will kick us out anyways. Let's have some more fun!" I smiled.

Ian was now spinning around on his butt in the chocolate. I joined him and started spinning around on my butt. We kept laughing at how dumb we are acting.

"I feel like a little kid again." Ian said.

"I do too. I love this feeling right now."

"What feeling?" Ian asked.

"Not caring, being happy, having fun, getting my childhood back, being here with friends that I love so much."

"I love you too." Ian smiled. He pulled me into him and gave me a big hug. "I'm glad you're happy and having fun." He said.

"We love you too Kali!" Lucy shouted. I pulled away from Ian and stood up. I made my way over to Lucy and Luke. They backed away from me.

"Come on I want to hug you two." I said.

"Oh no way!" Lucy said.

"You better not!" Luke said. I chased them around the room trying to give them a hug. Ian got up and stood in front of them. I caught up to them and Ian grabbed Lucy while I grabbed Luke. Ian and I wrapped are arms around each other. Luke and Lucy were in the middle of us trying to get away.

"What is going on here?" I heard a familiar voice say from behind us. I stopped hugging Luke and Lucy and turned around.

Hunter, Brad, Carter and Anna all had their mouths wide open when they saw me. They all started laughing except for Anna who just had a disgusted look on her face.

"What the hell happened to you two?" Carter asked.

"Uh...chocolate fountain?" It came out more of a question. I sheepishly smiled at them.

"Ian and her broke the chocolate fountain and the chocolate pretty much exploded all over the floor then they decided to swim in it. Now they hugged us and got chocolate all over us." Luke sighed. I turned around and gave him another hug. I pressed my cheek against his.

"You know you loved the hug though." I smiled and pulled away from him. He glared at me but then a smile appeared on his face.

"I'm going to take a picture of you guys so come over here." Carter said.

We walked over to him. We took a few pictures together then Lucy and Luke moved out of the way and made me and Ian take some pictures together since we looked the worst with all this chocolate on us.

We both pretty much took funny pictures. I couldn't wait to see the pictures but then again I kind of didn't want to see them because I know I look so bad right now. Oh well I need some good memories to look back on.

"To the popcorn machine!" Ian shouted. He started running away. I followed him. He slipped and brought Hunter down with him. I then tripped over them and brought Carter down with me. Carter grabbed onto Brad who fell with him. They were now all in the chocolate. Ian and I couldn't stop laughing. Hunter, Carter and Brad all just groaned.

Anna was the only one that didn't have chocolate on her well she didn't until Luke totally just pretended like he was running and slipped. He brought her down with him and she fell right on her stomach. The chocolate was all over her even her face and hair. I started laughing more. Luke looked over at me and winked and also gave me a quick smile so I would know he did it on purpose for me.

I seriously love Luke so much right now. I will make sure to thank him later.

I have to say I'm kind of excited for the next updates. Yes I'm already thinking about what to write!

The next updates will start to be more about Kali and Carter's relationship and Kali and Brad's relationship. So you can finally know what's going on between Kali and them.

Then after those updates. FINALLY they will be going to Mykonos, Greece! And one more other place they will be going too but you will have to read the story to find out what that other place will be.


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